Which breed is your favorite/ VERY nice?

Chicken Frenzie

Chicken Whisperer
12 Years
Nov 2, 2010
This Spring were getting three more chickens.. YAY! But my mom and dad say they want an all white one.. so I found Leghorns. Are they nice? and I found some cool looking ones! ^^ But which ones are nice and get along great with poeple, chickens and love to be cuddled?
Agree 100%! My White Rocks are wonderful, friendly, curious ladies. I don't like Leghorns at all, they are flighty, aggressive and very standoffish(at least in my experience).
I have 5 white leghorns. They are very friendly birds, but if pampered too much, they become extremely entitled.
The one I handled the most squacks whenever she wants to be held or let out. But, she is also very smart. I've managed to clicker train her in a way. She even comes when called. I think it really depends on how much you handle and raise them yourself.
Ditto on that. Ameraucanas come in white, and are VERY friendly and pet-like, especially the roosters. The only downside is that if you only want to order chicks from a hatchery or get them from a feedstore, you won't find white Ameraucanas there.

Otherwise - Leghorns are anything but friendly and cuddly.

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