Which is the better breed? Plymouth Rock's or Wyandotte's??


12 Years
Mar 25, 2007
Erda, UT
I really want some silver penciled chickens. I know that they come in both the Rock's and the Wyandotte's. I have heard that the Rock roo's can be aggressive, how are Wyandotte roo's? I do not want an aggressive breed. Which do you prefer, the Rock's or the Wyandotte's?? Thanks for your help!
My boys are just at the verge of male discovery (hormones about to kick in). They are Wyandottes and so far have been good. Ask me again in another month or too while they are in the stinker hormonal phase.

Sometimes it is more individual versus a breed trait.
I am glad I found this post.. I am looking for Pencil Rocks because I LOVE my Barred Rock. She is a really good girl.. NOT too sweet, but not scared either. She doesn't peck/pick on the other girls but she will stand her ground if someone tries to bully her.. She has been my lone layer almost all winter.. She lays 5-6eggs every week.. EVEN thru molt and cold weather. I would love to get two or three Pencil Rock pullets...
Personally, I absolutely ADORE both. I've never had Wyandottes, but I've met them and they seemed very sweet. I have one Barred Rock hen (she's the one in my profile picture struting around with my Australorp) and she is very gentle and loves to be cuddled and played with. So really they're both awesome.
If you want a broody, go with the Wyandottes. If you don't, go with the Rocks.

I had 2 Silver Penciled Rocks from Wynette. They are gorgeous and I was very happy with them. I decided to give them to a friend (cherylcohen here on BYC) because she is going to breed them, and I knew my girls would give her a jump on her breeding program.

Anyhow, these are "our" (mine and Cheryl's) girls.



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