San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

I thought I was buying 2 Welsummer hens this weekend but when I got them home I realized they are Brown Leghorns! Bah! I kind of want to rehome them. They are flighty but is anyone interested? Or does anyone have any good experiences with this breed that could convince me I should keep them? They do seem like healthy birds and have pretty feathers.

I had some brown leghorns and they were my most reliable layers. As you pointed out, they're flighty. I like my birds to be friendly so I went ahead and sold them. Like Dana said, having the white eggs in with the colored eggs really make the colors pop. If you're just looking for great layers then you have them! :)
I know someone interested in breeding ameraucanas to a white egg laying breed to get more blue eggs. Shall I see if she's interested in your two girls? I saw your post on Craigslist today. :)
No problem! I have two distinct age ranges going on right now... most of mine are now between a year and two years, and then I have all these babies. Nothing in between!

Oh - I also have an incubator FULL of eggs right now. I'm scared to death; it's the first time I've ever tried hatching. I've got a dozen black/split for lav Ameraucanas, about eight blue Marans, 3 Blue Andalusian x Black Am EEs and a handful of B/B/S Cuckoo Marans. I can't wait to see what hatches!

They sound lovely but I am hoping to get some hens closer to point of lay. I just got two 5 month old hens and it would be great to get 2 more. I am not dead set on Wellies... I kinda want some Orphingtons. What I really want is some friendly hens that will lay up a storm for me! My household is fighting over the eggs we get so we need some more. Thanks for offering though :)
Hey Aumlet,

Go ahead and see if she wants them. I think I'm going to sell them. I am only aloud to have a certain # of chickens so I want to make it count. I did get a small white egg today though. :)

I don't have any Wellies older than my 6 week olds, but Renee might!

I am so hoping I don't overcook/undercook/fry/boil or poach these babies...

Dfdesigns, that's so exciting! I wish I could hatch eggs but I think my cats would eat them. You aren't selling any of your older Wellies?
They sound lovely but I am hoping to get some hens closer to point of lay. I just got two 5 month old hens and it would be great to get 2 more. I am not dead set on Wellies... I kinda want some Orphingtons. What I really want is some friendly hens that will lay up a storm for me! My household is fighting over the eggs we get so we need some more. Thanks for offering though :)

PsychoChick - I too unexpectedly became the owner of three brown leghorns (the feed store told me they were ameraucanas). They were flighty at first, but have become much less so. They will do the chicken squat when I walk by and I can pet them. They are beautiful birds, who don't eat much, and they lay dependably almost every day. I would say they average 6 eggs per week per bird. They do go through a pretty ugly molt, but it doesn't last long. Their eggs are jumbo size and I get more double yolk eggs from them than any others. Mine are about 18 months old and they've been laying since about 5 months old, with about 2 months of a break due to molting. I have grown to love them. Another good thing aobut them is they are thin and fast. I worry the least about them and predators.
no adults
just my breeders and a few in the bator.

hey dana ,when your ready and if you wish, your welcome to a dozen of the welsummer eggs for your sponsorship for the walf for life.
thanks again
I just went down and spent some more time with them and they are already coming up to me more. I think I am going to keep them after all or at least think on it more. (Nevermind Aumlet). I do already have some friendly hens so maybe it will be fun to try to tame these girls up. I like how they look like little road runners.
PsychoChick - I too unexpectedly became the owner of three brown leghorns (the feed store told me they were ameraucanas). They were flighty at first, but have become much less so. They will do the chicken squat when I walk by and I can pet them. They are beautiful birds, who don't eat much, and they lay dependably almost every day. I would say they average 6 eggs per week per bird. They do go through a pretty ugly molt, but it doesn't last long. Their eggs are jumbo size and I get more double yolk eggs from them than any others. Mine are about 18 months old and they've been laying since about 5 months old, with about 2 months of a break due to molting. I have grown to love them. Another good thing aobut them is they are thin and fast. I worry the least about them and predators.

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