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  1. MCCmomof3

    Mccmomof3s Member Page

    ...shiny and bright. Babs, our Easter Egger hanging out with the other girls in their chick day care run. And that's where we are. Me, my husband, our 3 kids and 5 chickens living in the Burbs of the Pacific Northwest...
  2. MCCmomof3


    Okay, two things: One, we have our first egg ever! Yay! We never thought it was going to happen. Our BA Bumble Bee laid her first egg around 9:30-ish. No egg song (yay) but she definitely sounded like she was working hard. Here's a pix: Two, we are on coop number two. Well, chalk it up...
  3. MCCmomof3

    Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

    Our wait is over! We got our first egg today! My little guy's BA (Bumble Bee) layed her first egg today! Yay! Bumble Bee is around 22 weeks old. Now hopefully the others will get the drift and start laying too!
  4. MCCmomof3

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Yay! Our first egg. It came from my Little Man's chicken Bumble Bee. She layed it this morning around 9:30 am (or so) and boy did it sound like she was working hard to lay that egg! Bwaaaaaaaaaakkkkkk! Bwaaaaaaakkkkkk! Bumble Bee is a bit older than the other girls (a week or so) so hopefully...
  5. MCCmomof3

    Watery liquid/discharge from hen

    UPDATE-Well, I checked Velvet over again today and she looks perfectly fine. Her eye is fine (clear and bright) and there is no sign of any more liquidy discharge. Her vent looks perfect. One of my other hens (Bumble Bee) layed her first egg today, so the girls are all obviously getting close to...
  6. MCCmomof3

    Watery liquid/discharge from hen

    Okay, I have spent hours scouring BYC and haven't come up with anything that fits our situation and I am not sure where to post this. Yesterday, one of my BA hens seemed a slight bit lethargic and kept closing one eye. She kept the other eye open and the seeming lethargy could have been...
  7. MCCmomof3

    Question Of The Day!!

    No because she had poo foot. Ick!
  8. MCCmomof3

    Still No Eggs!

    I have 4 BA's and 1 EE all just over 21 weeks. Two are red faced, and have great combs and wattles. One of the 'less red faced' hens is singing the egg song every couple of days, but no eggs and no squatting! Aargh! I am just dying with anticipation. WHEN WHEN WHEN! I guess I should take my own...
  9. MCCmomof3

    Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

    4 BA's and 1 EE all around 21 weeks and still no eggs!! I hear the egg song every now and then, I go running and nothing. They all just look at me like I am nuts, and I will be soon if they don't start laying! Yesterday, I wondered if maybe they were laying in the yard somewhere under a bush...
  10. MCCmomof3


    Here is the link to the article Chickielady posted about plastics on the Mother Earth News Website. I love this magazine! Edited to correct spelling error.
  11. MCCmomof3

    New here and would love some ideas

    We did the 1 day chick thing. After talking to a couple of people in our neighborhood that bought 2 month old pullets I think the 1-day chick route was the best for our family. My kids got to go to the feed store and pick out their chicks. The chicks were handled, held, and loved on a daily...
  12. MCCmomof3


    Quote: Here in Seattle they're trying to up it to 8 chickens per standard lot (currently only 3 per standard lot). We can have 6 (and we have the 6) but I keep dreaming of more... ...And we haven't even had a first egg yet! Same here. I haven't had an egg yet, but I'm looking at larger...
  13. MCCmomof3


    Quote: You can come over & check out our GLW. They are pretty, she's 'the model' of our flock. And now we're down to five We're so sad- @#%(! predators! So I guess we'll need to think about more.... Maybe when my grief goes away PitterPatterPlace, so sorry to hear you lost one...
  14. MCCmomof3

    Got myself some adult hens, no clue on the breeds.

    On another thread about scaly leg mites one BYC'er suggested WD-40 to spray the legs including the feathers. Here is a link to the thread.
  15. MCCmomof3

    Hello from the Pacific Northwest!

    Welcome neighbor! I would also recommend the Washingtonians thread.
  16. MCCmomof3

    Which chicken breeds are the most quiet and nice?

    I have Black Australorps (BA's) and 1 Easter Egger (EE) so far they are very quiet. My EE makes less noise, but is my trouble maker and escape artist. My BA's make a little bit more noise (if they step on each other while trying to get to the treats) but are still pretty quiet. My neighbor...
  17. MCCmomof3


    Quote: Here in Seattle they're trying to up it to 8 chickens per standard lot (currently only 3 per standard lot). We can have 6 (and we have the 6) but I keep dreaming of more... ...And we haven't even had a first egg yet! Me too! We haven't had a single egg yet, but I find myself looking...
  18. MCCmomof3


    The sun is finally out, and once again I find myself sitting on a chair in the backyard just watching my chickies. I know that to some that would seem weird, but for me it is soooo therapeutic. They are so quiet and I love the quiet little sounds they make as they scratch and search and preen...
  19. MCCmomof3

    Anyone own an "Eglu" chicken coop/run? Thoughts?!

    We've had our Eglu Cube for over a month now and I love it. I did find that the run that came with the cube was a little too small for my 5 chickens, so we enclosed the garden area next to the Eglu and I let them out there during the day. Other than that I have loved it. It is so easy to keep...
  20. MCCmomof3

    howdy ho!

    Welcome from Western Washington!
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