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  1. ellieemae

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    I cheered myself up with photos of the happy, healthy babies that I have in the brooder. 8 hatched, I lost the one. I have 5 marans and 2 wyandottes (are supposed to be BLR, but we shall see) I won't bore you with ALL of the photos or ALL of the chicks, but some of my favorites...and you can...
  2. ellieemae

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    Mine that was born with yolk passed away this evening. She had rebounded and I really thought we were out of the woods and then completely out of the blue she went weak again. She was very quickly gone :( I buried her under some very special daffodil bulbs that my husband gifted me. Pardon...
  3. ellieemae

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    Yes, I've done every single one of those things. It's still in the cup, it's still getting Bacitracin (without painkiller) applied, I've read several of the threads over and over again. It's just that none of those things appear to be causing the sac to shrink OR to dry up and fall off. It's...
  4. ellieemae

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    ...does not seem like a chick who hatched too early. It's big and vigorous and it hatched a day later than all of the others...all of whom were perfectly fine. Is this a deformity of some sort? Are there related problems that I need to watch for? Baby *is* pooping, so I know that function works!
  5. ellieemae

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    Closing out day 22. I have 7 babies out, 7 eggs still in the incubator. None of the remaining eggs show any indication of hatching. For most of this process I've adhered to the "as little intervention as possible" school of thought, but I went with my instincts tonight and I'm glad I did...
  6. ellieemae

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    I have one blue copper marans out, one blue splash trying to zip, another marans pipped and one of my two remaining wyandottes pipped! Closing out day 21 here.
  7. ellieemae

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    Two pips now! The one has been pipped since this morning, just a little progress. The other is newly pipped. They're talking to each other (two eggs right next to each other). I have to be somewhere tonight so I guess I'm going to have to wait and see what has happened when I get home!
  8. ellieemae

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    My incubator has been so quiet. I was fearing the worst. Today is day 21. But just a few minutes ago...
  9. ellieemae

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    I hadn't thought of the temperature causing the yolk to break. I do think in my case, though, most of them were in bad shape. The box that I got was dented and out of 11, two eggs were broken and three had detached air cells. I know that shipment got pretty badly beaten up by good ol' USPS.
  10. ellieemae

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    Hannah, were they shipped eggs? I had to pull quite a lot of mine at day 14 due to there being a "whole lot of nothing" when I candled them. The vast majority of the ones that I pulled had badly scrambled/broken yolks when I opened them (did an "eggscopy"). So they never really had a...
  11. ellieemae

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    ...I think it's my eyes tricking me. Mine are in cartons. I THOUGHT I heard some pecking, but now I'm convinced that it was just the heater making that noise. *deep breath* *reciting mantra: It's in Mother Nature's hands. It's in Mother Nature's hands. It's in Mother Nature's hands."....
  12. ellieemae

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    Hooray for yesterday and today's new fuzzybutts! I hope mine come to play soon!
  13. ellieemae

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    I've decided that the huge amount of information on hatching out on the Interwebs, much of which is conflicting, is the chicken fancy's answer to What to Expect When You're Expecting. That is, in the right hands, it's a very useful tool. In crazy, already worried human egg hatcher's mind, it's...
  14. ellieemae

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    ...air cell that is far too large. I'm not sure why as the humidity has been pretty good and the other eggs all have air cells that are on target. *shrugs* I'm going to give this little chick the best shot I can, but it's kind of in nature's hands. SO, we'll see what transpires over the...
  15. ellieemae

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    Hooray! Wonderful news!
  16. ellieemae

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    I checked in on a sampling of the eggs that I have in the incubator...four days until an official candling of them all. I captured this cool video of one of my BLR Wyandotte eggs. This is Day 10.
  17. ellieemae

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    I'm using a 1602N for this hatch. I like it so far.
  18. ellieemae

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    Awwww! Such sweet bay-beeez!
  19. ellieemae

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    I just did my day 7 candle a few minutes ago. Of 15 blue copper/blue splash marans eggs it looks like there are 11 developing BUT 2 of them I had a really hard time seeing into so I couldn't actually see vessels and embryo in those of the 11 the embryo was moving but looked to be a...
  20. ellieemae

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    We did an unofficial "end of day 4" candle last night...not all of the eggs, but a lot of them. The marans were of course tough to see into but there were some that had very obvious blood vessel development close enough to the shell for me to see. I even saw one wiggly little embryo. I think...
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