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  1. augustmomx2

    Raccoon ripped off skin under wing...Can we eat it still?

    I live in an urban/suburban setting, however, we still have raccoons. Pretty sure one got a 7wk old cx roo last night and ripped a portion of his skin off. Its removed right under the wing, and kind of "flapping" if you will Anyways, I usually send my meaties to be processed by an amish...
  2. augustmomx2

    Rant Alert: Baby Animals are NOT Toys

    This is a rambling rant of mine and I apologize on the front-end In the spring I had ordered some baby chicks and its a "big" event in our house, with preparation etc. I spoke to a "friend" of mine about it, (using the term loosly, she is the mom of my kids' friends) and she suddenly had...
  3. augustmomx2

    Toppled Waterer, Traumatized Owner & Saved by a Dryer

    ...home and my husband refuses to touch chickens (weird I know, a whole other thread) so when I got home there was a terrible sight. Out of the 15: *4 were dry *2 were kinda wet *6 were soaked to the bone, eyes closed, gasping for breath *3 were dead I grabbed the 6 that were barely alive...
  4. augustmomx2

    Mille Fleur D'uccle & Buff Silkie Baby Chick Pics

    I had 7 chicks hatch out of 10 eggs from my Buff Silkie girls and D'uccle roo. One, unfortunately, one died & the other 3 didn't have successful hatches But the 6 remaining look so completely different! The glare makes this one seem more "silvery," its actually darker This one is yellow...
  5. augustmomx2

    1st Timer w/Broody Silkie, about to hatch...comments requested!

    ...realize the banties were she got to sit on a clutch. Anywho, yesterday we had one chick hatch out But, I have a few questions: *I have never candled the eggs and attempted to do so last night. It was a low-wattage flashlight, so in my worry to not have them off the nest too...
  6. augustmomx2

    Went on Vacation & Came Back to a Broody!

    So, I went on a week long vacay w/my mom and aunt, leaving my dh in charge of the chickens. Luckily they all survived his type of "care" But then yesterday I noticed my Silkie refused to get off her nest. I checked underneath her and she has 6 eggs she's sitting on! But, I have no idea...
  7. augustmomx2

    EEEk! Price increase @ TSC

    I have had chickens for about 2yrs and yesterday, I went to TSC to pick-up some Layena feed, shavings & BOSS. Boy, did I get a surprise! The Layena went up from: $13.99 to 16.99 and the BOSS went up from $14.99 to $18.99! I'm paying $7 extra dollars, for what?! I know food prices are going...
  8. augustmomx2

    Welp's New Ordering Policy

    So, I have been stalking the Welp Hatchery website, since I plan on making an order very soon for March. I had printed off the "Welp Baby Chick Pricing" for 2010 & 2011 and noticed this change: 2010: "A fee of $1.50 will be charged for any breed/sex ordered in a quantity of less than 5. Must...
  9. augustmomx2

    If you like Alton Brown from the Food Network...

    I ran across this article on And here is what he said his NY Resolution is going to be: Alton Brown Commentator on "Iron Chef America" and host of Food Network's "Good Eats" I make one resolution a year, and...
  10. augustmomx2

    Different weights: Spring VS Fall?

    I just had my 2nd batch of meat birds butchered today I noticed while I was putting them in my fridge, that the weights weren't nearly as high as they were this Spring. So, I'm not sure if the difference comes from the season? Also, I ordered the first batch from Ideal and the 2nd from...
  11. augustmomx2

    Cute Poult Pics...but Sad Ending :(

    I recently acquired 3 mottled, black spanish poults. They are only a few weeks old and here are some pics: This one has introduced me to all the cute noises that poults make This one is a follower already Now the sad ending...this one died the day after I took this too cute pic It...
  12. augustmomx2

    Broody hen & 3 poults...options?

    I have a broody BA, she is very intent and I haven't tried to break her, just letting nature take its course. I just ordered 3, few week-old black-spanish poults and plan on getting them Wednesday. Should I attempt to see if she would "accept" them? Or would it just be safer to breed them...
  13. augustmomx2

    Yummy Chicken Treats are Falling from the Sky!

    Cicadas are falling from the sky I just spent the last hour checking my backyard for cicadas on the ground for my girls. Note to self...the black ones are dead, the greenish ones aren't dead yet...yeah figured that out when I picked up the greenish ones and dd FREAKED out
  14. augustmomx2

    2 Bumblefoots and a Broody

    I just came on here to complain I am currently dealing with 2 chickens w/bumblefoot and a BA that is a psycho broody! It seems that summertime always brings on the health/weird issues in my chickens When I get home from work, my first thing to do is to fix dinner for my family, etc and now...
  15. augustmomx2

    Anyone get a phone call from Ideal today?

    I came home from work today and checked my caller ID. Suprisingly, I had seen that Ideal Poultry had called me this afternoon. They did not leave a message and I'm curious as to what they were calling for? Maybe a hot deal on some meaties? I have ordered from them in the past, so they do...
  16. augustmomx2

    Bumblefoot Surgery Scheduled 2morrow...any tips to share?.

    So I was doing my usual check of the chickens today, when I randomly pick up a few chickens and do a complete inspection. Unfortunately, one of my Gold Sex-Links has bumblefoot on one of her feet It looks a little pink around the black/scab area and feels warm to the touch. So I have...
  17. augustmomx2

    Feed Mills in Indiana?

    I have increased my flock significantly this past spring and plan on raising a batch of 25 meaties soon as well. I am tired of paying the $12 @ TSC for a 50lb bag. I have tried searching the forum, but maybe I'm typing in the wrong words, cuz I can't find anything Does anyone have any...
  18. augustmomx2

    OMG, I now have a chicken compound in my suburban backyard!

    Okay, so this chicken obsession of mine has gotten out of control and dh is supporting it (although I think its due to his fishing obsession)! Now I have what looks like a "chicken compound" in my suburban backyard. Luckily, my neighbors are very supportive, but I must get control of myself...
  19. augustmomx2

    J&M Poultry Processing in Indiana, Loved it!

    Hello all, I wanted to "review" my first experience with J&M Poultry Farm and their butchering process. I was more, MORE than pleased I dropped them off around 7:30am, the nice young woman helped me move them off the truck. The price is 1.95 for an average of <5lbs, $2.25 for an average...
  20. augustmomx2

    Meaties off to Processing...How to Transport?

    I'm taking 13 Cornish Xs off to the processor tomorrow and was wondering how you all transported your meaties (if necessary) to the processing plant? This is also my first time doing this, so any tips you may have for me, will be greatly appreciated! Thanks
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