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  1. MustLoveHens

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Merry After Christmas everyone! Hope all who are going to the After Christmas Shopping places have fun, get good deals and stay safe in all that madness!! Everyone is great here. The Dogs got knuckle bones via Santa. Santa knows better then to get those since he gets lectured about the dog...
  2. MustLoveHens

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Merry Christmas Eve Everyone!!! Just thought I'd stop y real quick like to check in and wish everyone a Merry Christmas!!! Thanks for all the B-Day wishes!!! Not much to report. The Girls are still staying in the coop. Their run is still scary. Most likely it will stay that way till spring...
  3. MustLoveHens

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Afternoon all! Not much here except a bunch of PO'd hens. The won't go into their run since the snow storm brought back the "Tunnel of Terror". So they are sitting there bored out of their little hen brains. I did get an Ameruacana egg yesterday though. First one in months but I'm not sure if...
  4. MustLoveHens

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Morning all! Well, we are still here! I guess now I have to have a birthday tomorrow....Here I was planning on never having one again...Maybe if I say that my birthday was on the Mayan Calendar then I can get away with never having one again?!?!?!?....It will be my 13th annual 29th...
  5. MustLoveHens

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    SNOWY Morning all!!! WHOOO YHOOOO!!! It's snowing !!! Finnnnnnally.... So I opened up the coop door so the Girls could go out into their run...There was a mass stampede to get out...then The BR slammed on her breaks because there is White Stuff on the ground...unfortunately for her, she go...
  6. MustLoveHens

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Morning all! Just catching up while enjoying the java! NO SNOW!!! (yet!) Argh! Ok my Peeps! I have a Baker Seeds Heirloom 2013 seed catalog that came in the mail the other day. Does any one want it?? PM and it goes to the first responder. It is a slick catalog....They have blue...
  7. MustLoveHens

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Late morning all! SNOW is coming SNOW is coming!!! *ducks from Vicki* Everyone is good here! Not much going on that is good. Getting about 7-8 eggs a day. So I think all who are good layers are laying.... Kristi-SS are great birds. One of my best show birds was a SS...
  8. MustLoveHens

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Morning all! Wow! So far I'm the only one in the "currently viewing" box this morning! Just checking in and such before chores and the grocery store run. Not much to report here so I guess that is good. CC-My hear goes out to you and your husband. He is such a good guy....I don't know why...
  9. MustLoveHens

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Morning all! Just stopped in to catch up. I see cooler weather on the horizon!!! YEAH!!! Took Aiden to the Vet for a toe nail trim. He was a good boy. Wish he'd let me trim them but my "dog holder" is useless.... The Girls are all good. My Andie laid an egg that was all crinklie and strange...
  10. MustLoveHens

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Morning all! Just catching up before I get on with the day! So here I am already for S-N-O-W and nada.... zip ....zilch....Come on....It's December already.......Grrrrrr....I need to move to North Dakota.... Steve-Abendroth's Hatchery in Warterloo process birds as does Twin City Pack in...
  11. MustLoveHens

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    ...catching up before I get to washing the dishes in the sink and cleaning up the kitchen a little. Need to do the bathroom too...oh and laundry....*sigh*.... Then It;s time to start cleaning out the upstairs. I have stiff to take to Good Will The Girls are great and I'm getting more eggs then...
  12. MustLoveHens

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Morning all! Got caught up from yesterday finally! I got up late yesterday morning and by the time I clean rabbit cages and got to the dump it was late morning! It was one of those days that flew time wise. By the time I sat down to do some lap top time I was 11pm- way past my bed time!! LOL...
  13. MustLoveHens

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Afternoon all! Finally got all caught up! Had some stuff to do this morning and had to go meet a nutritionalist (sp) for DH's diet. *sigh* Well, the BO I was treating died yesterday afternoon. Had a feeling that was going to happen. Since everyone else is fine I'm thinking it was her. Other...
  14. MustLoveHens

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    ...have no egg problems. My Girls don't really eat the Calcium grit since the pieces are so big. I miss the true oyster shell that we had in Cali....*sigh* Angie-Hilarious pic! Thanks for posting it! Made me laugh! Well, had more to say but lost my train of thought grabbing for my coffee...
  15. MustLoveHens

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Afternoon all! Had to run to the market this morning so I'm just now catching up! The Girls are doing well and my punkie BO has been under the heat lamp. She looked better last night but worse this morning, after I'm done here, I'll go catch her up and give her an arbitrary shot of Tylan. See...
  16. MustLoveHens

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Chilly Morning all! LOVE this weather-can't wait for snow!! (Ducks from Vicki's swing).hehehe The Girls are fine but looked rather forlorn and chilled so I set up a heat lamp for them. Buzzy has been basking under hers so I am not longer getting glared at by a pheasant every time I go into the...
  17. MustLoveHens

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    ...was developed in the South weeds around cotton plants with out killing or consuming the cotton plants. They are great foragers and are very rare. I *think* from what I can remember from the ALBC web site that they were thought to be extinct until a flock was rediscovered. BBP-I don't know...
  18. MustLoveHens

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    EEEEPPPPP! (Insert total girly screetch!) I bought my Christmas gift to me!!!! I have been loooooking at Kindles today was the day since it's Cyber Monday. I thought to check them out and low and behold....Amazon has one of their Fire's for $30 bucks off!!! I was going to...
  19. MustLoveHens

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Morning all! Just finishing up the java before I hit the coop for chores. I got 7 yes 7 yes yesterday!!! I think that makes everyone who is not a seasonal layer laying! FT- Actually the patents for the eye ointments are no longer in effect as far as Brand name vs. OTC (generic). I asked my...
  20. MustLoveHens

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Morning all! Not much to report here! Same old same old!! Nothing exciting at any rate! Oh, well, there was a small amount of excitement. Yesterday I had Fred and Sax out in the yard and heard a boat load of barking. Turns out two labs where "visiting". Not having seen these guys before I...
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