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  • Users: Dogfish
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  1. Dogfish

    Happy with my turkey project.

    I got a number of turkey poults last year, heritage birds, bronze, blue slate, and naragansetts. Raised them to maturity, and this spring they started laying. Right off the bat the eggs were fertile. Raised and sold a lot of poults, and lots of eggs, and then I realized that I need some birds...
  2. Dogfish

    Well that was loud, and unpleasant.

    So I got home tonight and as I'm driving down the driveway I notice my turkeys all bunched up by their main pen. I have over 40 now, so they are hard to miss. That isn't normal. Then, as I get next to my pheasant pens I see the cause, a dog. This is a medium sized dog, trying so hard to get into...
  3. Dogfish

    Great horned owl. Dag nabbit!

    My son heard a commotion last night, so I headed out towards the pens, only to see a huge winged beast fly up from one of my pheasant pens. Apparently one of the hens decided to sleep against the 1"x1" galvanized fencing. Looks like I'll be doing a small upgrade to the fence tonight. Oh well...
  4. Dogfish

    It was a warning shot, really. ;)

    Hatched out 13 chicks in March, and would you know it, 8 were roosters, two hens got hit by coons, and the excess roosters have been getting on my nerves a bit. Two of the BR new roos were ganging up on one of their elder hens for a little hummina-hummina, and I had had enough of their crowing...
  5. Dogfish

    Hungry anyone?

    Yet another predator caught today, about 15 feet away from one of my turkey's nests in the field. This makes 3 in the past few weeks. Andrew Zimmern had a show on the other night where he ate possum. Any takers? Creole Possum 1 slightly injured possum 1 cup mayonnaise 8 cups pig...
  6. Dogfish

    Two strikes.

    A neighbor's dog was over at our property this weekend, a second time. It was chasing turkey poults. Mind you, is was a hairy little black chihuahua. Yes, a kick toy. Catching him wasn't any great feat, and I didn't want to put him down, but he is a threat to my birds. I took a flat piece...
  7. Dogfish

    Broke in another rifle. (a bit of blood)

    Lost another hen last night, one of this year's little buddies. A very nice hand raised Buff Orphington that would come over to you when approached, waiting to be picked up. Got my latest hatch of pheasants into the brooder about 20 minutes ago, and as a habitI shined my streamlight along the...
  8. Dogfish

    Got him. (warning, a little blood)

    So we lost a pheasant a few weeks back, half eaten through the only spot in the pen wire that didn't have hardware cloth down low. Main wire is 2x4. A few days later I lost a Barred Rock roo that didn't make it back into the coop before dark and I must have shut the run with him outside. I...
  9. Dogfish

    Just finished canning stock.

    Butchered over 60 chickens last weekend, which left us with a lot of scraps, and feet. Baked it all for 3 hours with some celery, carrots and onion, then tossed it all into two 5 gallon stock pots. Strained the mixture through cheese cloth after everything had simmered for about 8 hours, then...
  10. Dogfish

    Grrr........ Lost a rooster pheasant today.

    Something needs to die. Traps are being set tonight next to the pens. Rooster pheasant is the bait. Ate one leg through the fence so it is probably a coon. I have a total of 5 mature hens, all consistent layers, and now a single mature rooster. Will he be able to service all 5 reliably...
  11. Dogfish

    First possible turkey poult issue.

    Came home tonight with a two week old turkey in distress, one 4 days old in distress, and another 4 day old dead. All in the same brooder, with a total of 14 poults in there. I don't think it is a coincidence. Both alive birds looked as though they were gasping, and both were not on their...
  12. Dogfish

    More hatching!

    Started hatching last night at 9pm, right on schedule. Some are a little slow in hatching though. 12 out, 8 actively pipping and another 17 just waiting on. 54% so far in the Little Giant, which is all I have. We'll see if we get some more late bloomers. Last night there were only 8 pips...
  13. Dogfish

    The little buggers stopped laying. Hmmmm..............

    3 hens and one rooster valley quail in the quail pen. For 15 days straight I get 2 eggs per day. The last 5 days, nothing. No hot or cold weather, just Washington. Any ideas?
  14. Dogfish

    CHF, just thinking out loud.

    I lost a few birds this time to CHF/flip, 4 so far, and I've culled another 10 before they could flip. 12 hour feed schedule. Still have a week and a half before we process them. The one constant in all of the birds I've lost or culled is excessive yellow fluid in their body cavity. I have a...
  15. Dogfish

    Rototilled the open air run today.

    Actually, my 15 year old did, with a bit of instruction. This area is 25x35, and was last year's garden. I've been dumping run cleanings, etc, into it, and so I thought I'd see if I could clean things up a bit. They are in heaven. Normally they would be out in the yard, but they are all...
  16. Dogfish

    Which peepers for ringnecks?

    I have 16 two week old ring necks, and 42 due to hatch in a few days. Soon after that I'll have another batch of 40+ eggs going into the incubator, so I will soon have a hundred or more pheasants that will take up residence in my pheasant growout pens. Looking at limiting the amount of issues...
  17. Dogfish


    Hatched a bunch of Valley Quail last year from eggs. Started with 13, I'm down to 9. 6 roos and 3 hens. Wish the mix had been opposite. Oh well. It is what it is. Two of the three hens are now laying, and I checked two eggs from the same day and they are fertile! I'll get them in the...
  18. Dogfish

    Selling at auction, Western Washington

    Not sure if this is where this topic belongs, but it is a meat bird commerce related subject. Not having a lot of bites on my turkey poults. I've sold 8, still have 14, and have another 16 hatching Sunday. I'll spice up the ad's I'm running to see if that helps at all, but I'm thinking of...
  19. Dogfish

    Woohoo! They are hatching!

    Checked my incubator yesterday evening and none of the 42 eggs I had set had hatched. It was day 24. Took a look this morning before I headed off to work and it looks like half have hatched and there are another 10 or 15 in various stages of pipping. SHould have a final count later on...
  20. Dogfish

    Dark poult, black body, with yellow mask

    What is it? I have one hen that is a mix with a Narragansett and something. She is darker than my true Narragansetts. Looks like one of her eggs hatched. Just trying to decode what it is, what the other mix parent was. Looks like only one of the 3 blue slates hatched. Was hoping for more.
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