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  1. Momhunter

    all who are hatching quail

    Moved 80 XLD cortunix from hatcher to brooder last night. Left 3 in hatcher that were not dried yet. This morning had another 15 in the hatcher. Having a good hatch. It will still take me a couple of more weekly hatches to catch up on chick orders.
  2. Momhunter

    all who are hatching quail

    Significantly compared to the so called jumbo browns that I started with. I weighed 20 of my 5.5 week old males today to cull and pick breeders from. The weight range from 235-255 grams, that is significant for 5.5 weeks old Roos. I weighed 7 males that were now 7 weeks old, ranged from...
  3. Momhunter

    all who are hatching quail

    Hatch day for 50 of my eggs from my JMF jumbos. Around 10 running around the hatcher this morning. These will be picked up Sat along with the 45 from last weeks hatch. I need to keep some more for myself, the freezer is getting pretty low on quail, lol
  4. Momhunter

    all who are hatching quail

    Totally agree about Robbie at JMF, he is great. I only raise his line jumbo line c birds now. I cull by egg size and 6 wk weights to select breeders vs meat birds. Trying to do just as he has advised. Love my JMF birds!!
  5. Momhunter

    all who are hatching quail

    I'm wondering how you find all the eggs??
  6. Momhunter

    all who are hatching quail

    Does anyone know the legalities of processing and selling coturnix to a local restaurant? The local steak house serves the most pathetic tiny quail and the owner is wanting to serve mine as "locally raised" , he would want 100 a month minimum. I am going to call the ag extension agent and...
  7. Momhunter

    all who are hatching quail

    Hatched 44 of my 50 XLD jumbo eggs from my JMF birds. All already picked up by new owners. :D
  8. Momhunter

    all who are hatching quail

    Put 50 of my JMF XLD jumbos in lockdown last night.
  9. Momhunter

    all who are hatching quail

    38 out of 45 of my JMF XLD jumbo first generation eggs from my birds have hatched as of this morning. Second hatch of the season. :D.
  10. Momhunter

    all who are hatching quail

    Since I have my weight records from the first 140 JMF eggs I hatched I will weigh these at 6 weeks. If they do not the minimal weights, to be considered for breeding, the males will either go to the freezer or be sold. The lighter hens I will feed for another two weeks, be for sale to others or...
  11. Momhunter

    all who are hatching quail

    I have 45 four day olds hatched from my JMF jumbos. Growing them for some more breeders. I will stick with his stock from now on also. Nice calm adults and great egg layers and table birds. Love them. I have a waiting list of people around me that want chicks from me.
  12. Momhunter

    all who are hatching quail

    On day 2 my daughter calls them ZOOMERS!!
  13. Momhunter

    all who are hatching quail

    Checked the hatcher this morning, had 45 out of 55 of my eggs hatched. Second hatching from my JMF birds.
  14. Momhunter

    all who are hatching quail

    Today is day 14 for my first batch this year, going into lockdown this evening, eggs from my JMF breeders. Looking forward to new tiny fuzzy butts :D. I have 75 more that arre 5 days along in the bator.
  15. Momhunter

    all who are hatching quail

    The mixes were 8 weeks and the JMF were three of my 5 mo old breeders. They had broken legs from something grabbing their legs through the bottom wire of the pen. I processed them since the wounds were less than 24 hours old. I weighed one of them and it was 316oz, theses hens were all over...
  16. Momhunter

    all who are hatching quail

    For those of you who raise quail for eating I wanted to share a picture with you. I posted this on the comparing quail sizes thread then thought I might need to put it on here also. This pic shows three James Marie Farms quail on the left, freshly processed by me, then three of the "mixed...
  17. Momhunter

    all who are hatching quail

    I've found the easiest way to straighten curled toes is to use masking tape. Make small squares and put one on top and another on the bottom of the feet with the toes spread out and straight. Let the toe tip/claws be just beyond the tape, and don't include the dewclaw. They should look like...
  18. Momhunter

    all who are hatching quail

    They use the low pressure cup with the trigger in then really well starting at three weeks when I move them into my grow out cage. I'm just thinking of the drip nipple waterers for them from 1-3 weeks in my big brooder. Having 100 quail in at a time they go through the water fast.
  19. Momhunter

    all who are hatching quail

    Any one use the nipple type waterers for chicks? At what age can they start on the nipples? I use the cups in my grow out and breeder cages but sure get tired of filling the flip over waterers in the brooder plus they take up more room.
  20. Momhunter

    all who are hatching quail

    I'll worn you newbies, hatching quail is addicting!! They are so fast and easy. Every time I keep 100 to raise and think I'll get ahead in putting a lot in the freezer we still don't seem to have enough. My family eats them at least twice monthly. And every time there is any type of family...
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