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  1. sonderah

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Wow!! That's hilarious, sorta. Lmao
  2. sonderah

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    She was with another like her, I guess the Roos are called EE's too? Lol
  3. sonderah

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    My EE that I got at the swap Saturday, I got my 1st little green egg from her already!! Never dreamed I would so soon, because the whole stress of the move and such. She's still in quarantine, which means I may just have to do another hatch since she was with a rooster!! Hehehe
  4. sonderah

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    I sure hope so!! Lol
  5. sonderah

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Just candled. :( My banties sure don't look too good! I've never hatched bantams though, so hopefully I'm just missing something. Have 9 LF definately moving around though.
  6. sonderah

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    I just got to day 10! So, basically, halfway there! Hatching some Buff Orpington, mixes for my sweety's coworker, and some Bantam Chocolate Oprington! My 1st bantams. Hope a decent hatch, I paid a fortune for those eggs! Lol
  7. sonderah

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    I'm good at confusing people. Lol At a chicken swap today. The EE is 8 months and the Sultan is 5 1/2 months. I drove 2 hours to this swap too. Lol Nothing near me either, & I had nothing better to do anyway. We are thinking of calling the Sultan Angel. Not sure about the EE just yet. They...
  8. sonderah

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    It is. I just got her and the EE today.
  9. sonderah

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    But this one has to be the most adorable thing I've ever seen!!
  10. sonderah

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    [/IMG] Sooo precious!!!! Yay! My 1st EE!
  11. sonderah

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    I had to cancel my Meyer order cause I didn't think about the minimum 15 chick thing. They said they would not have actually sent it that way and didn't know why the computer allowed the 6 bantams order to even go through. :( So I'm headed to a swap today to see what I can find. I already have a...
  12. sonderah

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Oh!!!! My babies won't be here for THREE more weeks!!!! Its going to be virtually impossible to not go but any babies!!! Good thing I live in a town so small, I have to drive at least 45 min to the closest farm supply store!! Lol
  13. sonderah

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    I'm not doubting you. Just pictured my buffs coming out of a "bath" black as coal. Lol
  14. sonderah

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Wood ash? As in, burn wood and use the left over ashes? Does that not make them like REALLY dirty and black looking?? Lol
  15. sonderah

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Extra?? Will I wind up with an extra in my order?
  16. sonderah

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    I wouldn't have ever thought about it, but someone on one of the turkey threads has successfully done it, so worth a try!!
  17. sonderah

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    I'm so excited!! Can't wait! I'm going to have chicks coming out of the wood work in a few weeks!! Lol My turkey is building her clutch right now too, so I will be placing some Buff Orpington hatching eggs under her soon so she can raise them for me. Lol can't wait to get turkey poults! I've...
  18. sonderah

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Great idea!!!! Lol
  19. sonderah

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Ok so I just placed my order!! I got 2 of each, to hopeful get a hen of each. I'll have to get rid if any roosters I wind up with out of my "funny" babies! I ordered (I have NO clue how to spell it!) Mille Fluer Bearded d'ulles, white crested black polish bantam, and molted Cochin bantam. My...
  20. sonderah

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Thanks everyone. I don't mind hatchery, I just want them for the cute factor. Lol I'm thinking definately a polish, and possibly a salmon favorella (or however that's spelled), and maybe even a "Cochin" I think is the ones I saw that r "very likely" to sit on eggs and look really fluffy. Do EE's...
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