
  1. Keeperoflock

    Chicken Checkups - Wish Me Luck!

    Ok, my 17 chickens are 12 weeks old and I want to do a thorough checkup on them before they get to the egg laying stage. That way if there are mites or buggies or "challenges", I'll be able to have it under control BEFORE they start laying eggs. I've been doing some mini checkups on them from...
  2. Eggkazoo

    Dark colored watery poops?

    I’ve noticed my chicks tend to have very watery poops yet they never show behaviors that suggest the cage is too hot. However today some of the poops I see have a dark yellow-brown watery urine. You can see how it stains the paper towel. It doesn’t seem to be blood as when it was wet, it was...
  3. AimToMisbehave

    Adult drake eye infection

    One of my runners has what looks an awful lot like an eye infection; pale green goop on the inside corner of both eyes, one more than the other. Anything I can do to help him heal up? He's also a bit tattered in the wing and tail feathers, I think from our other drake :/
  4. K

    Weak 1week old chick

    I have a Barred Rock 1week old chick that is not thriving. It’s siblings are running around and twice as big as her and she sleeps lots and has a difficult time walking around. Stumbles and hardly eats. I’ve seen her eat and drink on her own but rarely. Almost looks like one side of her is...
  5. brooder

    Duckling eye infection...

    Hi, My two week old white crested has an eye infection, and it's looking pretty serious. I have forgotten what you are supposed to do to treat these and would appreciate some advice. Thanks in advance!
  6. C

    My ducks voice got lost?

    So one of my male Pekín ducks (2 years old) recently started quacking strangely. It’s like he has voice, and now sounds a bit like a female duck. What’s the problem and what should I do? He seems to be acting normal with his brother. His brother is fine, I’m just worried. Thanks, -Christian
  7. Bollmash

    Decaying Foot?

    I recently came to own 2 ducklings after my neighbor bought them for her toddler. I knew they wouldn’t be well taken car of there and took them in. One of the ducklings has been hobbling around and struggling. He eats and drinks water, but I looked at his foot and it seems to be decaying? I...
  8. glloyd203

    Ongoing feather loss! Can't figure it out!

    I hope I put this in the right section; I'm hoping it's not a disease :( I am sooo worried about my girls! I made a post a couple months ago because a couple of my hens have feather loss on their backs, and one is even completely bare on her back between her wings. People were really helpful and...
  9. M

    I Want to be Ready for Anything!

    I'm new to chickens and I want to be ready for anything and everything! So could someone name a list of any infections, diseases, or sicknesses that chicks and chickens can get? I want to be able to know what's wrong with my chickens if they are sick. Just name anything you know a chicken can...
  10. Chickening101

    No calcium for 2 days?

    One of my hens laid for the 1st time yesterday! I ordered oystershell, which won't come for at least 2 days...she is a golden sexlink....will she be ok w/ out calcium for two days?
  11. Swastik Choudhari

    Sick chicken.??

    Do i have this chick he is sick i dont know what had happened to him he just keep his head down close to body and does keeps opend and closing his mouth like yawning. Any home remedy for this..?? Like feeding him yogurt or curd or any other thing.Casue i live in village and the vent or medical...
  12. 3

    Female Barred Rock sex change?

    Hey there, This may be more of a medical problem but I don’t notice any real signs of sickness; reccently my nearly 4 year old Barred Rock hen has been crowing like a rooster. Approximately 3 days ago this commenced and she was laying an egg these past 3 days except for today. She’s extremely...
  13. ReseisCL16

    Rooster Tail Molt?

    My beautiful Rosecomb rooster's tail is slowly falling out. He loses about 2 large tail feathers a day. Not that you can really tell, he has so many, but I'm worried. Is his tail just molting? He's not losing feathers anywhere else. Actually, I've had another older rooster who lost all his...
  14. Sussex123

    Chicken / Duck Health Problem

    I have some chickens and ducks. They all share a big house and run together. In the last few weeks the they have started to get sore legs. 1 has two bad legs were it does not walk unless i walk near it and then it walks like a robot. 2 chickens with 1 sore leg and hobbles along and 1 duck with...
  15. krazee4chicks

    Downtown Chickens

    Hi, I'm Kimberlee, and my family and I are relatively new to chickens. Here is our introduction to give y'all a little background about ourselves and our experience (or rather, lack thereof): 1. Are we new to chickens / when did we get our first chickens? We are relatively new to chickens...
  16. lynna2018

    Bloated chicken-eggbound?

    First let me say I love this site. This is my go-to site for my chickens. I can't seem to find an answer on this though. I have a hen that is bloated, walking like a penguin, and has all signs of being eggbound. Everything I've read says she will die within 4 days if she's eggbound. Well, she's...
  17. spiffyvanspot

    Button Quail Eating Bedding

    Hi there! I'm new to BYC although I have been a lurker for a couple years now- since getting my first buttons. I have been struggling with poo and paper bedding getting stuck to their toes and I've been diligent about washing their feet. My one girl lost a toe before I noticed, unfortunately...
  18. SoliLuneStelle

    Is this molting or illness? New chicken mom.

    I'm new to raising chickens (since september). My girls are just shy of 1 year old, and when I cleaned their coop today, I noticed there were more feathers than usual and my one buffs had a pale comb and face. I was wondering if anyone could confirm if this is molting. Her behaviors seem normal...
  19. Primal Chickens – 6 chicken keeping secrets from the evolution of chickens

    Primal Chickens – 6 chicken keeping secrets from the evolution of chickens

    When I got started with backyard chickens, I was excited by the idea of fresh eggs every day and I had this romantic idea of chickens pecking around contently in my garden. But the reality was very different. They trashed more veggie gardens than I would like to remember, turned the chicken run...
  20. hihuckleberry

    Missing Feathers on Chicken Butts

    Hi everyone, As I mentioned before, I'm totally new to chickens. Just brought home 3 pullets last week. They are all missing feathers on their butts, looks like they had been pecking at each other. The man at the feed barn said they just had anxiety from being at the store, confined, and...
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