Hi! I’ve got a little chick who is alone. I originally got her with a little duckling but she got a sinus infection and passed away. I then got another little chick for my chick (after I cleaned and sterilised everything) to keep her company. In 24 hrs, she died and I don’t know why. She kept having poop stuck to her butt so I don’t know if she was already sick when I got her. The store didn’t clarify and just told me to come and get a ‘replacement’.
I’ve had chickens and ducks in the same brooder setup so I know that is fine.

My questions are

Is my chick a spreader of something? She doesn’t have any symptoms.

And, I know she should have a friend but is it worse to have another little one who just dies? Or did I just have horri

Sounds like the chick had pasty butt, which can block elimination and kill them. It’s only a problem for the first week or two, then they outgrow it. I put warm water on a paper towel, and gently held it on the poop to soften it, then washed it off. Don’t get the baby wet, or it can get a chill and die.

Chickens are flock animals, so you shouldn’t have fewer than 4-6. The babies stay warm by cuddling together, so you need more chicks.

Start reading how to care for them, before you lose this one, too. NOW. Start with the basics about caring for babies. I’ve had chickens for 8 years and only had one die, but it was acting funny from the day I brought it home. The other 9 are all grown up, now.
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Where did you get the chick from? Chicks from reputable sources such as big hatcheries are very unlikely to be vectors for any disease.

She kept having poop stuck to her butt so I don’t know if she was already sick when I got her.

Chicks should be checked a few times a day while little for pasty butt. Did you repeatedly clear it? It's quickly fatal if left alone.

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