Alaska hatchers..How is everyone doing? Baby pics !!!!!!

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DH and I have been busy.
Splitting and stacking wood for a fence. Got it part way done.
Figured we could kill two birds with one stone.
We would have a temporary fence for the meat birds, and they would be able to take care of some lawn work for use at the same time.
There is an area under a bunch of trees that we will let them excavate, and then when they have passed on, we will do the permaculture thing.
Lots of cardboard and mulch. Next spring we can seed it with a suitable something.

You can see the latest broody out for a romp with the babies.
LOL! You just need to charge a fee for them to see the rare and hardy Alaskan chicken!
Who knew they could survive up here
LOL! You just need to charge a fee for them to see the rare and hardy Alaskan chicken!
Who knew they could survive up here

They'd scare em to death. I've been here 7 years at this store and have yet to meet one that makes any sense or has any respect for my property. Plus we are too close to the road.... but I digress...

Inside the coop. Window that opens on top, and the ramp on the bottom that goes to the run.

Shelf in coop with nesting boxes made from old kitchen cabinet drawers. Partitions are cabinet doors.
I just have to say that I have enjoyed reading through all your posts! I have learned a lot from everyone. I am new to this whole chicken raisining thing and I am guessing it is different here in AK than down in the states, so thanks for unknowingly educating me!
I had two failed incubations and have finally, finally found success! I put 30 eggs in the bator three weeks ago, and 23 made it to lockdown Friday pm. This evening is 21 days but I got my first little chickie in the wee hours of the morning and have a total of five out now with several others pipped!!
I am totally hooked! As recently as March, I lived in a critter free house, now look at me!!!
I have a tolerant hubby that is for sure!
Am I here? Am I alive?......(both questions are debatable).....

After getting in at 3am, (one HUGE black bear down).....and having very little sleep. Running full bore for 2 weeks straight. I am
ready to sit down and watch a movie with hubby but just wanted to check in.

Green house is done. Starts replanted tomorrow.

Congratulations to everyone!~ TORI!!! YES!!!! That is awesome!!!

My broody is still hanging in there, sitting still. Paula sounds like your girl is doing a wonderful job as well!

I have some cochins coming out for a friend of mine, 4 out so far and suspect we'll have a 100% hatch. My dellies from ShellyB are headed into lock down tomorrow. I have the two Polish in
lock down now and I have more Cree eggs coming.....I have to tell you, both folks I have dealt with when it came to shipped eggs have been EXCEPTIONAL to work with!

Mrs Snot (Sandy Flemish) graced us with 14 little bundles of joy yesterday....

Ok so there you have it, your caught up on Debs life.....
Ummm...we're not sure?
We have around 30 layers and supposed to be layers. 5 eggs per day? Come on

9 babies on the ground right now. 11 due to hatch in a day or two.
50 meat birds coming.
Now if all the hens would finish molting and brooding...
In the future, we plan to do mostly production layers, with a small flock of cochins in a seperate run for brooding purposes.
CONGRATS on the bear down!!!!!!

DH is on a busy stand right now. As soon as he brings one in, I will be heading out to do the same.

How big?
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