Attacked by Racoon, Severe Injuries, Emergency, Plz Help

Be sure to check this one out. Kiki posted above - just posting again in case you missed it, You are trying to remember a lot at once :hugs The syringe depicted is called the 'weak kid/goat' feeding tube and appears to have a nice rounded tip for comfort, supposedly available inexpensively at farm supply stores? It is sshown at the beginning around 00:20...

Thank you for making sure I got it ;):love
I just finished watching them :) and there was another one that made dough balls using Harrison's Recovery food, finely chopped lettuce and some flax seed oil... they just popped them in the back of the chicken's mouth!
I'm going to try that 1st tomorrow, but am also going to see if I can buy the tube kit as well. That way I have it on hand.

I also forgot to ask about the probiotic...can she use the same as I take, or do I need special poultry/animal probiotic?

I also wanted to make sure it was ok if I mixed the Corid with whatever food I give her?
(I don't see why not, but sometimes you can't mix certain foods with meds, and I just want to be sure.)
Thank you for making sure I got it ;):love
I just finished watching them :) and there was another one that made dough balls using Harrison's Recovery food, finely chopped lettuce and some flax seed oil... they just popped them in the back of the chicken's mouth!
I'm going to try that 1st tomorrow, but am also going to see if I can buy the tube kit as well. That way I have it on hand.

I also forgot to ask about the probiotic...can she use the same as I take, or do I need special poultry/animal probiotic?

I also wanted to make sure it was ok if I mixed the Corid with whatever food I give her?
(I don't see why not, but sometimes you can't mix certain foods with meds, and I just want to be sure.)

Any pro-biotic you have is good. Start that now.

Are you trying a light bulb, you should be able to tell quickly if she wants it.

Or make your own [pro biotics] by fermenting some of the regular feed. Take a qt of the pellets you are feeding cover them in water in a non metal container. throw in a slug of unpasteurized apple cider vinegar if you want and cover loosely for around three days at room temp, stir once a day and add water if needed for an oatmeal-like consistency until it starts to ferment.

If you can get her to swallow the dough balls - that's sounds interesting. Not too big I would guess?
Any pro-biotic you have is good. Start that now.

Are you trying a light bulb, you should be able to tell quickly if she wants it.

Or make your own [pro biotics] by fermenting some of the regular feed. Take a qt of the pellets you are feeding cover them in water in a non metal container. throw in a slug of unpasteurized apple cider vinegar if you want and cover loosely for around three days at room temp, stir once a day and add water if needed for an oatmeal-like consistency until it starts to ferment.

If you can get her to swallow the dough balls - that's sounds interesting. Not too big I would guess?

She cried and kicked when I tried to feed the dough/food balls. Knocked the whole container to the floor. I'm going to have to wait for help on that. I did get a few pieces down her throat though. They were (I thought) pretty big in the video, about the size of a large gumball or gobstopper? I made mine smaller, about the size of a pea. They didn't stick together very well, think I need to make the crumbles smaller or soak, like you guys have mentioned, gonna work on that next. She seemed to like the taste! She just won't eat on her own, arghhhh

I haven't done the light, only because she hasn't been acting cold anymore (it warmed back up here), but if you think that might make her hungry? I'll try it!

That fermented food thing is interesting, I'd assume I could do it with the chick starter? Got that this morn, they didn't have Harrison's, but had another organic brand (Nature's Best).

Weighed her this morning too, it said 2.08, so almost the same, I guess, it's kind of hard to get a stable reading. I can't catch one of the other birds on my own, (I'm disabled) but will have my son get one after work tonight and try to compare.

She also tore her eye open even more & I'm going to try and make a cone out of lightweight cardboard or heavy paper-unless someone else has a better idea?
Also have call into the vet, looking for help w her eye and the tubing to force feed, they didn't have it at Tractor Supply. If can't get there, then I'm going to try the pharmacy.

Update & New Pics: Re-torn eyelid, Homemade Cone, Progress of head wound & Left eye

The hobble didn't work, her neck is too long and she was still able to scratch. She even had the hobble on one leg removed! The first pic is what she did to her eyelid. It's gooey because I had just put Terramycin on it. The next pic is my new idea, we'll see how it goes. She's not happy.
RtEyeNewTear08012017.jpg Cone1stTryUse08012017.jpg

The vet Finally agreed to look at her! We take her (& our cat) tomorrow. It will be an adventure, but I'm happy they finally agreed to see her!:ya
Hopefully they can do something about her eye. If it was hanging like that anywhere else, I'd just cut it off, so she couldn't keep catching it. But it's part of her eyelid and so close to her eyeball, I don't want to take a chance of hurting her one good eye and I don't know if it's be ok to lose part of her eyelid, not that it's working anyway, but still... I just want to see what the vet says first.
She did eat/drink almost 3 oz of egg/water/Corid mix today (after the food ball debacle) & I was really happy about that. It seems like she wants to eat...she's been pecking around, looking for the spoon, so I put the whole bowl down for her and she was able to find it. @biophiliac I did find a heating pad & have that in there tonight, will let you know how it goes :)
Couldn't find a feeding tube kit or catheter at a store but, hopefully, the vet can offer something. If not I still have the pharmacy to try and then the net. She's still preening & moving around, she doesn't seem listless, just hurt and tired.
We also got the Corid water for the others going (noticed some diarrhea, but no other symptoms, thank goodness).
I included the other pics just to show her progress. Her wounds have been healing really well (until she tore her eye up!).
I think that's it for now. Will post what the vet says. Have a great night (or morning ;))
LeftEyeClose08012017.jpg HeadWound08012017.jpg
Wow she's looking a lot better! How did you attach the cone? Can't wait to hear what your vet thinks. I bet he/she will be impressed with your nursing so far! Have a great day.:fl

ETA : When you first mentioned the scratching and the cone, I didn't think it would stay on ... but now I think there are ways. It may impair her ability to feed herself if it sticks out too far but if you are feeding her or if you remove it while she is eating then .... :D
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Speaking of raccoons attacking I had a raccoon come and pry my nest boxes open and grab and kill my broody hen, one of my favorite hens probably my second favorite.
So sorry to hear that....raccoons and their hands are lethal. People just think of them as wild animals but their hand coordination and dexterity is scary.....

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