Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

This afternoon was glorious so I took my wine and sat guard over the babies (the austrolorp cross is a bully and top hen. She dragged a bpr by head feathers till I interved ) they have seperate pens as these baby's aren't big enough to cope with her.




Hi everyone, sorry to hear about the unhatched eggs ... trying to get online for past few days, finally got here but took a while. Still have tried to read all posts but may have missed some. Wow, some serious rooster people in here, thankfully none for me at this stage and probably never, I prefer the girlies for their eggs (no, still none but think it's getting quite close now ... 4 of 6 girls now getting or have the wobbly bits underneath of a nice red, but believe they may need to get their combs a little longer/bigger and definitely redder from what I've been told, so hopefully my friend was right and it will be about 2 more weeks (fingers, toes and eyes crossed that is
). Must run for now, chat more later
Excuse me while I have a moan....

yesterday was my bday. Nothing special just 31... anyway last year I deleted all my friends off Facebook and kept family and racing friends. All because no one bothers to visit or call anymore.

yesterday I got 1 text and 0 phone calls... just reminded me why I did it.

anyone else noticed this?

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