Baby chick with eye problem


Jan 31, 2019
My baby chick is 2 weeks old and developed this eye problem last week. I have been trying to heal it since it happened and has sense worsened I dont know what it is or how to fix it so any advice would help. It is very crusty and he keeps scratching it


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The photos you posted are a little blurry, could you attempt to get a few clear ones?

Eye problems often develop in chicks from getting pecked or scratched in the eye. Irritants in the air like dust, perfume, or ammonia can cause ocular irritation. It can also be a sign of a respiratory disease like Mycoplasma Galliseptcum.

I would try to flush the eye with some saline, or eyewash, then, take a warm damp towel, and gently try to tease away any gunk, and then apply an antibacterial ointment, or an ophthalmic ointment like Terramycin to the eye using a cotton swab.

Could you post a few pictures of what the chick is being kept in? Besides the eye, is the chick acting OK?
The chick acts like a normal chick and sorry for the blurry pics I will retake tommorow. The chick is with the mom and 7 other chicks and was the second to last to hatch. This picture is from the week they hatched and is the container they are currently in. It's an older picture but it might give a good picture of there living space


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If the chick is being raised by a mother, it's possible she pecked the chick's eye. Even if she doesn't seem like a mean mom, I've seen caring ones peck one on accident which can cause the eye to be sore for a while.

I would try to flush the eye with some saline, or eyewash, then, take a warm damp towel, and gently try to tease away any gunk, and then apply an antibacterial ointment, or an ophthalmic ointment like Terramycin to the eye using a cotton swab.

I would do this basic treatment above, and hopefully, that'll "restart" the eye, and you'll see improvement.
This is the best picture I can take. Its sealed shut and there is hardened gunk on the outside i connot get off. Socket moves a little when I rub it and the chick freaks out the other eye is slowly becoming the same.way and his back is covered in the same gunk as his eye because he runs his eyes on his back


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the chick is being raised by a mother, it's possible she pecked the chick's eye. Even if she doesn't seem like a mean mom, I've seen caring ones peck one on accident which can cause the eye to be sore for a while.
My hen stood on her chicks neck yesterday and didnt even seem to notice, so I second this haha.
I got the medicine and have started to apply it. His eye is bulged out and his other eye is now sealing shut and is for most of the day blind. Anything I can try to help him?
I got the medicine and have started to apply it. His eye is bulged out and his other eye is now sealing shut and is for most of the day blind. Anything I can try to help him?
Sorry I didnt see your previous message. Try pressing a warm wet rag or paper towel on the eye to loosen the gunk. Wash the eye out with saline if it's even a little open. And same with his back, a warm rag to take off as much goop as you can. If hes wet after, make sure hes got good access to heat. Is he still with mom? I would probably separate him at this point into a 'hospital' area. A box (open top) somewhere safe with a heat lamp would be fine. No loose bedding, just like puppy pads or paper towels or something easy to clean.

It being both eyes now is making me think its not an injury though?
I got the medicine and have started to apply it. His eye is bulged out and his other eye is now sealing shut and is for most of the day blind. Anything I can try to help him?

Sometimes it can be hard to differentiate whether the eye problem is bacterial, or viral of origin. Sometimes chicks may get pecked in the eye, or scratch their own eye with fecal matter, and the bacteria can move into the eye, cause irritation, discharge, swelling, etc. If not treated, it can spread. Terramycin contains (Oxytetracycline) which has decent coverage against most bacteria, so I would use that for a few days, as well as flushing the eye, and wiping off any gunk with a damp towel.

If you don't see improvement after a few days with the Terramycin, although it seems unlikely with your case, it's always possible it could be a respiratory infection like Mycoplasma Gallispetcum (MG) which can cause conjunctivitis, of the eye, often accompanied by other respiratory-related problems. MG is uncurable, but systemic antibiotics may help.

Eye problems can often be set on by dusty bedding, and high ammonia, so try to keep dust/ and fecal matter down to a minimum. Make sure to offer her feed, and water often. Vitamins, and scrambled eggs may be good.

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