Beginners in knoxville

Hello there and welcome to BYC! :frow

Definitely stop by our coops pages for some idea...

Chickens need quite a bit of space, especially if they will be enclosed much of the time. 5 sq feet per bird in the coop, 10 sq feet per bird in the run.

Enjoy this new journey and welcome to our roost! :)
Thanks for all the great welcomes! I'll check in on the local thread soon and I'll be sure to look at all the info and links you all shared. There is a lot to take in on this website so hopefully we will not any trouble getting going.

I have access to a lot of abnormally large pallets at my job from when we deliver elevator lits to new job sites. I'm hoping to use much of this for the coop. I'm probably going to be drawing up some plans this weekend and I'll post them for feedback before we start building. Is there a good forum thread for that?

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