Best rooster breed poll

English orps are known for their docility right? Are they able to be gotten in the US?

Not sure if they are available in the US. Maybe Greenfire sells their hatching eggs? My profile pic is a Chocolate English Orp.

oops and yes so gentle even with any chicks I have had. Can be hard to catch but they are lovey birds. Hens can go broody but wow can they ever hatch out a lot of eggs!
The most consistently, naturally good roosters that I have had have been Partridge Chanteclers and then OEGBs, in that order. The second breed can have some spitfires, for sure, but if handled properly they are a joy to work with and they are certainly not unintelligent. They seem to have a flair for impressing the hens and they are diligent sky-watchers.
My single best rooster is a pet quality Silkie. Shocking, huh? Wouldn't at all recommend buying Silkies with that expectation, though, since the rest of mine have been terrible to lackluster.
I like roosters that can be trusted around small children, without an annoying crow, that can fend off predators, that will hatch eggs and brood chicks. With a lifespan up to twenty years.
My bantam Cochin was the best. Gentle to me. Gentle to the hens. And pretty to boot! I hope to get a son of his that acts just like him


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I also like bantam cochins and Orpingtons.
Glad to hear that about the Barnevelder, I got shipped extra birds and they slipped in two roos, besides the two I ordered! So I have two Barnevelder cockerels and two Welsummer cockerels. I am hoping since they are being raised together they will settle out their pecking order as chicks

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