Black Copper Marans' Personalities?


8 Years
Apr 7, 2011
We just started our first group of Black Copper Marans chicks. They are about 3 weeks old now, and there is one that is clearly a roo. He had an orange spot on his head as a chick, so I picked him out of the day old flock so I could have one to name and know which was which, haha.

Since day 1, Rusty (the roo chick), has been more forward and curious than the others. His comb has become much larger and red in the past week or so, so I am certain he is a roo... not to mention that forward personality. I am interested in the personality evolution in roosters, particularly Marans. He walks up eyeballing my hand or whatever is within reach, and I always move before he gets a chance to peck... but he has that look about him. I am a bit nervous he is going to be aggressive. We will see - any thoughts? Can I correct this?
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Good questions! I'm interested in this as well as I have ten 2 1/2 week old Black Copper Marans in the brooder. I have heard that the breed is very mellow and the roos are pretty laid back, and I have also heard that the roos are very aggressive. Not sure which is true. I hope it's not the latter.
I'm interested in this too as we're trying to keep more docile birds. Also how prolific are they as layers. Do they lay nearly daily or only 2-3 per week?


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Regardless of breed, my unofficial rooster test is to stick my fingers in the brooder and waggle them around- pullets tend to run (before they get used to treats) from them and roosters run to them. I've labelled my suspicions with this year's chicks, so I'll find out just how accurate my method is in a few weeks... I haven't found that curiosity= aggression, but I'd get him used to being picked up and handled by you now just so there's no doubt in his mind who runs the show (and so he associates you with good things like treats and safety rather than scary things like confrontation or booting him off your hens)
I've got just a few BC Marans. Of the first four roosters I got, three were calm and docile to me. They still haven't ever pecked me or shown any sort of aggression ever. But the other one is different and will peck at me and seek me out. I think he thinks I'm another rooster even though I have done little to give him that idea. My other roosters of other breeds know I'm not a rooster and leave me completely alone. He mated only once and the one hen of his that I still have is not as docile as the other Marans chickens who are daughters of the calm docile roosters, so I believe his fiesty genes were transmitted to her. Some friends have some of the other chickens the aggressive rooster bred, but we've never really talked about their personalities. I've had no complaints.

As for whether or not he will continue in his aggressiveness is anybody's guess. I would think so. There are a number of divergent views on how to deal with or work with aggressive roosters. It seems that a lot of different methods work for different folks in different situations. I would look those threads up here at BYC and read them to get a feel for what people do. I think a bit of chicken psychology helps matters also.
My BCM rooster is very agressive. He was nice until I got him some hens. I have 3 hens and 2 lay just about every day and the 3rd is lazy and has only layed a few times.

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