black friday.... is it really worth it?

me too! and I found myself resenting customers on that day. Its one of the reasons I will never work retail again.

I worked at Walmart for 3 black Fridays during college, I've seen the worst of humanity come out over a new digital camera or a new video game, or the FURBY CRAZE, remember that year??? yeah I was at work that day.....
I don't even leave my house for that weekend anymore, nope, never ever again.
Instead I put a paper grocery bag in my closet the day after Christmas for every member of the family I still speak to. As I find clearance items, good deals, etc through the year they get tossed into the bags. I usually do up large baskets or buckets or the like with all the goodies. I spend less, and don't have to 'shop'.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE black friday! (maybe cause its the only time of year I get to go shopping
I like Bass Pro Shop the most..

Last year we got good deals on blankets shirts hoodies and a GPS I use everyday of my life...

We went to the one at Discover Mill about 4 or 5 am. No one was in the mall (which had been open since midnight..) caues they were all in Bass Pro..
So we bought our kids LOADS of cheap clothes at places like Osh Kosh B'Gosh.

I love love love black friday..
I would suggest doing it atleat once! Its so fun!
Someone may have already mentioned this but I'll toss it out anyways...

Most stores offer great online deals that morning with no shipping fees.
I am usually on my laptop by 5am and ordering up a storm. lol

My DH is a WalMart manager and he forbids me to get involved in Black Friday. Does that tell you anything? Scary!
me too! and I found myself resenting customers on that day. Its one of the reasons I will never work retail again.

There is nothing like retail and waiting tables to kill your faith in humanity. Especially during the holiday rush.
:DCall me crazy but most of the time you can see on wed or thursday where the items are going to be placed double check the adds on thursday and most of the time I go to the stores and hide the stuff I want:cool:walk in purchase em on Friday starting at 2am and I save a ton never been ran over. I wouldnt be able to have half as much If I didnt and lol my sisters and I are a team one waits in line the others get the stuff Christmas shopping all done in one day and wrapped!
Most large shopping malls put out their 'specials' on the night before T'giving -- some years I meet a friend there for dinner and then we stroll thru the mall to see if there's anything we want -- it's already for sale, there are no crowds, -- I hate shopping so this is my only attempt at scoring 'bargains' ---
I went one time with my mother-in-law. We ended up being involved in a hit and run. A woman in a huge SUV plowed into us and kept going. Some man in a van said, "Don't worry, I'll go get her." Turned out he was an off duty police officer and he did bring her back. She went ballistic on us saying how we were ruining her day, she couldn't believe there were people out there as stupid as us, she couldn't believe we didn't get out of her way... obscenities deleted. She then tried to run away again by pushing the police mans van out of the way.

It was crazy, and I've never gone back out there again. I didn't even get anything I wanted either, it was all gone by the time I got there, and we were out early.
Black Friday is most definitely worth it, but you have to know exactly what will be on sale, and what you want, then narrow those items down to one to three items from one store. It's the only time of year my SO can get the tools he wants, because they're often marked down to less than 1/4 of the original price . . . he has some expensive hobbies that Black Friday makes possible. We hate the crowds and the rush, but we're in and out in a few minutes, and then can enjoy the purchases in peace and forget about Black Friday ever existing. Of course, it's an extra long day because you have to be at the stores at 3 am or everything you want will be gone, but it's nice quality time with the SO. Last year we were after a table saw, and the store only had four in stock. My SO felt very silly when he took off running when the store opened, but thank goodness he did, because the guy in line behind us at the check out had all three of the other table saws . . . and he was upset because he'd wanted the fourth, as well! He was good natured about it, though, complimenting my SO on his speed.

My grandmother and aunts have a different tactic, though impossible for us to use since their aim is clothing and ours is huge honkin' tools. They wander the stores the day before to find the clothes that will be on sale on Black Friday, trying them on to find what they want. When they've found everything they desire, they take the pile they've collected and hide it somewhere in the store. That way they just go back to the store on Black Friday, gather up the pile they've stashed safely away, and head to the checkout at their leisure.
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