Black labs and chickens don't mix

I was surprised at how cheap electric net fencing is and it is said to deter black bears. For someone who keeps chickens in a run or pen, it would be fairly cheap to set up this type of fencing around the pen. Twofold benefit of keeping your chickens in and predators out. I'd invest in this type of fencing and just sit back and watch the fun.

Labs are great dogs around livestock if properly trained and that big ol' boy is a beautiful dog....tis a shame no one loves him enough to keep him at home.
If the owner would take the time out of his jobless day and train his dogs to stay off my place and that the flapping squaking things are not chew toys, I would be soooooo happy! I think that dog is gorgeous also, I love big dogs, but I also hate chicken killers.
I have an eight year old English Black Lab and she is very different. She has raised an adopted puppy and an adopted kitten that someone threw out of a car. The grown cat still sleeps with her at night. I raised my chickens from eggs inside and she was there every step of the way. She protects them now like they are her own babies. I've lost one chicken to a larger dog but it would have been more if she was not there. The neighbor aplogized and has been great about keeping his dog away from the chickens since.
Thank you for posting this! It's good to know that mistakes can happen (my dogs get out once in a while and I'm afraid they would kill chickens if I wasn't there) and it's good to give an owner the benefit of the doubt at first. I would hate to think that my schnauzers would get shot for getting into someone's yard the first time because they got out of the house. They're my constant companions and generally well-behaved but they are, well, schnauzers! They're bred to hunt and kill small prey. I would be heart-broken if they got someone's chickens but wouldn't want them dead over it. (Yes, I would also be willing to replace hens and my fence for the dogs is GOOD but mistakes happen, as I said).

EDIT: Of course, if they were in someone's house terrorizing them with their incessant barking, I would have to concede that I'd understand if they got shot. I would still cry myself to sleep for a very, very long time though.
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Well I felt the same way about my hens as you do about your dogs. There is no difference. I am totally heartbroken.
If my Pitbull came into your yard and killed your Schnauzers, you could call 911 and the police would come take my pitbull away and put him down. No question.
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I am very sad to report that I was @ the sink washing dishes this am when I heard a commotion and looked out to see my worst nightmare come true AGAIN!
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We have two labs- a black and chocolate. They share a fence with the chicken run. They have been great with the birds. My male did catch a BO that somehow got out of the run. My 4 yo saw and called me. I yelled and he dropped it and the bird was ok, just slobbery. I now have two little chicks who are with their broody mama and they got out and my dogs didn't even pay them attention. When i saw it and said something, the dogs went and nudged them and they ran right home. Labs are naturally bird dogs, but they need to be trained. OUr dogs did get out last month and where found a couple of streets over- chasing( not killing) the neighbors chickens. I think mine are just curious. Of course I have two big dumb dogs.

Some else i know had this same thing happen- he shot the dogs ( legal) and also filed a police report and the neighbors also had to pay for his turkeys- to the tune of $500.

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