BRA incubator!

lol i tried that once but the egg broke! everyone thought i was nuts anyway (not that they don't already
) i hope your experiment works out!
While this is interesting... it is NOT my cup of tea. But then again, I would not choose dayvare worker as a profession either. (I love and respect the woman that took care of my kids while I had to work, and I have always said I do not have the personality for it!)

Good luck, I hope your incubator works. I wonder if they will let you draw up a diagram for the home made incubator thread...
You know, your experiment inspired a dream. Last night, the heating element went out on my incubator, leaving 6 eggs in the cold. I put them in my shirt while I got the oven up to the right temperature and stuck them in there. Meanwhile, dh rigged up a light bulb in the bator to last it til today when we could figure something a little more permanent out.

But, last night, I dreamed I had to incubate the six eggs in my bra. I'm not well endowed, so it was not going well. Not to mention that in the dream, the eggs were all more like water balloons. In fact, I ended up having two of them spring leaks and squirt a couple feet out, just like a water balloon would.

I wish you the best of luck in your endeavor, and that it works out much better than it did in my dream.
Dreams are so funny like that, expressing our subconscious thoughts and worries.

As far as drawing up a diagram for the DIY incubator. I'm thinking he who makes that comment doesn't need any visual aids.

Day 4 ends at 8 pm and day 5 begins. I'll candle again tonight and if it looks much different or I can see vessels better, I'll post a pic too. I've noticed sometimes at night while I'm horizontal, the egg slips into the "valley" instead of nestled snugly at the foot of the mountain. I just worry that the temp drops in the valley a bit. I'm gonna search my drawer for a more secure fitting sling garment. (I'm really trying to be PC and family friendly here, so please read between the lines).

This egg went into the Brabator at 8 pm on Friday Dec 16th.

Check you guys later!
I can't believe you actually have me thinking this out, especially since I don't have the particular figure or enough body heat to even keep myself warm through the winter! But.... I was thinking... It seems that moving just right (or wrong) and the egg could slip out and go splat on the ground. This could be very difficult to explain if you were in a grocery store! LOL
Anyway it got me thinking... Maybe it would be good to stitch or use a safety pin to attach something like a little mitten or sock inside the bra to hold the egg in more securely? Just a thought - from someone who's never tried it.

Good luck! I think it's an interesting idea. There have been a couple other threads I've read about where this was tried. One the egg was broken if I remember right and didn't make it too far and the other was only done right toward the end when something went wrong, and the baby hatched!
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Remember when our Moms made us to be sure you have on clean underwear in case of a wreck and in up at the hospital and blah, blah, blah. My teen daughter asked me what if we were in a wreck and ended up at the hospital and the nurses were helping you put on a gown, blah, blah, on earth would I explain the egg without being referred for a psych consult?

I worry about the egg not making it mostly because of all the motion it goes through during the day. Under a hen, there is very little movement. I'm a pessimist at heart so I won't be TOO disappointed if it's a quitter. I'll candle after dark and see who's home.

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