Up until she went broody, she was the head honcho of the flock! I don't get the impression that she would be bullied - that I have noticed at least! There are 2 sores on her wattle & comb that almost look fluid filled. I wondered if this is just something that happens to broodies, or perhaps she has fowl pox :(
i havent heard it happening to broodies... maybe you should look into some fowl pox things or other sicknesses?
fluid filled... could it be pus or some blister? is there something that might be rubbing on it? (sorry i dont really know what i'm saying)

i hope she does okay :hugs
i havent heard it happening to broodies... maybe you should look into some fowl pox things or other sicknesses?
fluid filled... could it be pus or some blister? is there something that might be rubbing on it? (sorry i dont really know what i'm saying)

i hope she does okay :hugs
That's ok, thank you for offering help anyway! I don't think anything would be rubbing on it. I think it might be fowl pox :(
Its not from being broody, It does look to be a touch of frost bite to me though. I dont know about keeping water in her nest. Good circulation to get rid of humidity may be the problem. Whatever it is it dont seem to be serious . At least not yet.
@Wyorp Rock ?
Oh ok, I hadn't thought about the possibility that the extra moisture could be affecting the temps and therefore frostbite. I will go remove the water and see how she heals. Thank you for that insight!
You may want to think about moving her and the eggs into a crate or blocking the others off from her area depending on where the nesting box is located. I always have my broodies in a dog crate so that others don't attack the chicks and the chicks can easily get to the food and water in the crate when mom shows them how to eat.
She has some pecking marks on her comb. Maybe she needs more ventilation.
You may want to think about moving her and the eggs into a crate or blocking the others off from her area depending on where the nesting box is located. I always have my broodies in a dog crate so that others don't attack the chicks and the chicks can easily get to the food and water in the crate when mom shows them how to eat.
She has some pecking marks on her comb. Maybe she needs more ventilation.
I was thinking I would do that before the chicks come, but here we are at day 18! So, I better get on that first thing in the morning. Thank you for the nudge!

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