Buff Orpington, Australorp, Jersey Giant, and Easter Eggers (Americaunas) together in one Flock??


7 Years
6 Years
Jan 12, 2017
East Central Florida
Hello BYC Family!
I've got a pretty broad random question for you all. So I'm looking at raising a flock (from scratch) my last flock were sadly killed by coyotes while being watched by my parents while I was traveling for work :hit:hit...so im looking at starting a mixed flock this time.
Thinking about BO's, Australorps, Jersey Giants, EE's all in one flock, together. Was wondering if anyone had any experience with this specific variety together before? I feel like its a sound choice, but im not sure if there is any advice with this? They will be raised together from week 1, so that will be the case. Just not sure on the combination of temperament, size, etc etc.....also, if maybe you recommend another mixture and why? Maybe im leaving off some fantastic breed or something :idunno Suppose you never know.
Any advice is appreciated! Thanks guys :love
Hello BYC Family!
I've got a pretty broad random question for you all. So I'm looking at raising a flock (from scratch) my last flock were sadly killed by coyotes while being watched by my parents while I was traveling for work :hit:hit...so im looking at starting a mixed flock this time.
Thinking about BO's, Australorps, Jersey Giants, EE's all in one flock, together. Was wondering if anyone had any experience with this specific variety together before? I feel like its a sound choice, but im not sure if there is any advice with this? They will be raised together from week 1, so that will be the case. Just not sure on the combination of temperament, size, etc etc.....also, if maybe you recommend another mixture and why? Maybe im leaving off some fantastic breed or something :idunno Suppose you never know.
Any advice is appreciated! Thanks guys :love
I have one Astralorpes hen in with my 5 Easter egger hens and they seem to get along just fine!I think it would be fine to keep the all of them together,just maybe watch them very closely the first couple of day to make sure there not overly fighting
Sounds like a great mix of breeds. Make sure your coop and run are big enough or else most breeds will have trouble getting along in a smaller set up.
Yay! Yes, my BO's loved ranging, so my plan is to rotate them on 5 (or so) acres. But they should all have plenty of space to run around on. I just have to determine how many of each, and so on...... :wee
We have all those (except jersey giants) as well as wyandottes, faverolles, welsummer, marans, a brahma, lol I'm probably leaving off a couple, and they all get along. Oh and they live with 2 geese and 4 turkeys too haha.
We have all those (except jersey giants) as well as wyandottes, faverolles, welsummer, marans, a brahma, lol I'm probably leaving off a couple, and they all get along. Oh and they live with 2 geese and 4 turkeys too haha.
Very nice!! Do they free range? What kind of space do you provide (just curious).

thanks for the input!:frow
Very nice!! Do they free range? What kind of space do you provide (just curious).

thanks for the input!:frow

Yes they have semi-supervised free ranging in the afternoons after most of the eggs have been laid. They have a 18x10 coop and an huge run which I forgot the size lol. We live on 11.5 acres.

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