Can you believe this Craigslist ad??

Gosh, this is an inventive person! I should do an ad like that here! Except all I have to sell are writing services. Still, a good way to get rid of one's excess roos.

We have people who give away old laying hens and roos all the time. Now that the turkey is gone
I could use more chickens in freezer camp.
his ad said...NOT FOR FIGHTING....which is crazy anyway , those would never be use for fights.....i would give my extra roosters away....I would never eat a tough rooster.
I'm famous.

I love that people I do not know are defending me. I am glad that someone from the forum contacted me and let me know about the post.

I have to get back to work but I will try to log on tonight and answer questions.
There is a age they get its to late for caponize / best done at 5 to 6 weeks

Oh I know... but for the youngsters that might be an option... eat the older ones first, and be able to wait for the younger ones to put a little meat on? Particularly with the DP breeds seems like that'd be nifty?

Just a thought though.
Shoot... I wish the guy lived closer to me! I have a ton of extra roo's. I dont like taking them to my local feedstore only because I have a suspicion that one of the people who buys the roo's there is using them for fighting. Not all the buyers, but one in particular. Could be wrong though...

I think the guy is smart and doing a nice service. Nothing wrong with being entreprenurial- good for him! If he can get free meat, AND sell a few of his own products, GOOD for him!! If he sells a few of his own products, he makes the money to feed the extra roos till they hit butchering age. I wonder if he would even do a trade for some of his stuff for the roo's? Smart business if ya ask me. I LOVE being able to find a local source for foodstuffs- local fruit and veggie stands, local honey etc..

Hope he posts soon....

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