Chicken breeders or Folks in South Africa?

Hi There, I am in Bronkies, only just started, have Black Australorp, Boschvelder, Potch Koekoek and 1 Rhode Island Red (plan to get more, Would like to stick with the four breeds for now
Have been to your website and love the different colours - can you tell what colour you would class these two as:

I think the roo must be ;mottled' but the white one not sure as she has grown up to be more silver than white.
Hi, just wanted ask you guys about the 65,000 tons of chickens that our 'revered' government, has decided with the US government to dump on our doorstep. Apparently the US does not eat 'brown meat' only breast meat,and therefore has a surplus which they have negotiated ie (they will not allow trade between us) without penalties to put it basically, if we don't accept this,

As a conspiracy theorist, I find this very odd as this 'chicken thing has being going on for so long', can't help but feel because of the FIFA scandal our government has done another dodgy deal. God help our chicken suppliers and all who are associated with our chicken farming.
Personally I hate football and don't see why we as the public always have to pay with blood sweat and tears because our bloody government is so corrupt.

All I can say is the FBI will not let up unless the deal is done.

Don't expect a reply but had to put it out there. lol
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I'm here, I'm here, but if you talk about politics, soccer or commercial chicken industry I'm not coming back!

How is your broody whoop whoop?
I know, I know , the government sucks, the crime sucks, the racism sucks (both ways). I grew up in Germany and trust me, with all their organization and discipline the government is still corrupt and people are just as miserable. and trust me, they complain MORE. You also want to kill yourself for 9 months of the year because of the weather, and if you want to see nature, you can go look at a pine plantation or a cornfield. And forget keeping chickens in suburbia. You'll probably end up in jail. No disrespect Germany, I do treasure your passport, but shoot me if I ever have to go live there again! Everything is lukewarm. Here, we live in AFRICA, a continent that still has big game and wild places and culture and life!! So lets focus on all the amazing things we have here and can do and an our chickens - the chickens we can have in our backyards because our society is open and flexible and we have to make things up as we go along. I have two pet chickens on a 250 sqm semi-detached, and all my neighbours can hear them scream when I get home and when they want food and do their eggsongs for 15min - and trust me, they would make for pretty good roosters - and everybody loves them! In Germany you could have them for two days and someone would freak for the noise and the allergens and the hygiene and whatever else they could find.
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