Chicken Flocks: Mixed or All One Breed?

These are better photos:
Very interesting least to me lol

I've always had a mixed flock and everyone has always gotten along fine. My present flock is New Hampshire Reds, Delawares, and Blue Cochins. Certain breeds definitely have different temperaments but if they are all started together, my experience has been that they all get along fine. The one precaution I have heard is about crested breeds such as Polish in a mixed flock...the non-crested breeds tend to pull the crest feathers out over time. Which may actually benefit the bird in the long run because it will be able to see better, but it ruins the appearance and beauty of the bird.
Mixed flock here. We ordered the asll pullet rain ow pack from Meyer in February and got leghorn, barred rocks, jersey giants, two buffs Orpington and one EE that is turning ut to be one of the prettiest girls in the flock! Two of the chicks didn't survive, so we replaced them with two sapphire gems from rural King. These girls will eventually be introduced to our three hens, which are those island reds and one black one that I think may be an Americauna. Can't wait to see all the different eggs we may get!

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