Chicken Flocks: Mixed or All One Breed?

I have a mixed flock- I tried out different breeds over the last few years and have hit on the perfect combo - for me. I do like big fluffy chickens, so I love Orpingtons- I do have a Buff Orpington, Lavender Orpington and two Mottled Orpingtons- one mostly black, one mostly white with mottles, a Splash Marans and a Welsummer. I would have only one Mottled, but they came together as babies and I hated to split them up- also could not choose which one to go. LOL. In April, I expect a batch of chicks (had to order 6 but only wanted two) I am replacing the Lavender Orpington and the jury is out on the Buff Orpington. I ordered Buff Orpington and a Buff Brahma- will decide about which one later. chicken math keeps getting me.
If you have a mixed flock, some will lay better in the cool weather or winter, and some will lay better through the summer. Some will do very well on green grass while others will need bugs and/or grains. I prefer the variety of hens that lay da as to have a fresh egg supply all the time.
I sell eggs so my flock is focused on good layers and I have a few pretties as well. I have 3 Silver laced wyandottes, 3 barred rock, 7 red star, 4 buff orpington, 3 black giants, 3 ameracauna, 1 white giant, 1 speckled Sussex, 2 rhode island red and one dark brahma. One black giant is a rooster. The RIR, Stars, Giants & Orpingtons give me the selling eggs. I use the small Wyandotte and other eggs for us and to re-feed to the girls.
I love to sit for hours and watch them interact with each other! :love
Hello guys! I was just curious about everyone's opinions on different breeds in a chicken flock. Do you guys normally have several different breeds in a flock or is it more common to have a flock of one breed? Just curious one everyone's views on mixed versus all breed flocks! Let me know what you guys do and what you think! Thank in advance!
I personally keep my bantams in a separate flock, because they are a whole lot smaller than the average chicken. Even if they’re raised together, bantams are almost always at the bottom of the pecking order. Currently, I have a silkie flock. :love
I have a mixed flock of normal sized chickens.
Hi everyone,
I am quite new to this site and in my opinion having a mixed flock is great fun but also a lot of work so I think you should have Only one breed of hen.
Sorry if I have hurt anyone.
Mixed flocks are fine if you aren't breeding for sale. Sometimes the barnyard mutts will sell also. Really depends on your goals. Doesn't it?

Also, a chicken is a chicken. One chicken is not much different than others. The breeds are starting to be, but select for your weather.

Poke-chicken! Gotta collect them all! And yes, you can trade duplicates.
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Oh my, there is no way I could keep just one breed! I have had so many, and I love looking out and seeing the color and array of them all :love

Even friends who come over compliment on how lovely they all look together!

As of right now I have:
Easter Eggers
Light Brahma's
Black Sex Links
New Hampshire Reds
Production Reds
White Leghorns
Porcelain d'Uccles
Ayam Cemani's
Old English Games
Barred Plymouth Rocks
Buff Orpingtons
Isa Browns
Black Australorps

I am going to be setting a few dozen eggs from my own flock here in a couple of days, I can't wait to see all of the colors I'll be getting!! :ya
I love the poke-chicken gotta collect them all comment. LoL

Of course you can't get as much for barnyard mix chicks but if you're like me and few other people who have posted on this thread. It is very possible to keep multiple breeds in a mixed flock and then just separese them out when you want to breed them. Of course this does require a bit more space pens and work but it's worth it to have multiple breeds we love.

Also if I've forgotten to mention it we do have silkies in the flock and they do just fine. The also do really well in the pecking order and while a few are close to the bottom I some are at the top and even regularly roost on the top bars of our ladder style roost.
Here are some pics:
IMG_9134.JPG IMG_9151.JPG IMG_9143.JPG
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IMG_9152.JPG IMG_8982.JPG IMG_9179.JPG
IMG_8853.JPG IMG_7072.JPG IMG_7100.JPG
IMG_3308.JPG IMG_1115.JPG 015.JPG

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