Chicken has eye infection


Sep 13, 2022
Hi Guys
it looks like my hen has an eye infection
Below are photos of the poor girl
We have taken a warm cloth and wiped her eye and also I have the vet RX stuff that they suggested I put in her water.
Looks like there is a bit of discharge coming out.
Any other ideas would be great, and if anyone knows what would have caused this?
We just got home from a weekend trip and noticed this so we are not sure how long she has had it as we were gone for 3 days.
thanks so much!
I have a chicken with recurring eye issues and whenever her eye gets bad I rinse with saline twice a day and apply terramycin ointment. She was also attacked by a raccoon on that eye recently and I used Vetrycin which helped a lot. I would try the saline and terramycin first
I am no expert though-I just know what helped my chicken and her eye doesn't look like yours. Someone else here might know exactly what's up with your bird and have more targeted advice
Her swollen eyelid, bubbles, and conjunctivitis could be a sign of a respiratory disease called MG. Have you added any new birds recently who might have exposed her? Do you see any signs of her being pecked around the eye, or getting a seed or something else caught in her eye? Tykan 50 injectable given orally or Tylosin powder in the water and found online may help treat symptoms.
Check that there is nothing under the upper and lower eye lid. You can lift them with light pressure at the top and bottom of the eye socket. Also make sure the wiper eyelid that looks transparent and moves fro one side of the eye to the other works okay.
I'm afraid these are Spanish products with Spanish labels but you should be able to find the equivelants.
This for general eye problems.

And this for injuries to the eyeball.

I prefer to use a proper ph neutral eye wash rather than saline. The ph neutral eye washes for humans are fine.

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