Discarded Rooster Hit By Car - Need Advice!!! - Update Page 3

I agree.
If he has broken bones and it looks like it from the last picture, it would probably best be to put him out of pain. Must have gotten hit by a car. The only other option would be a vet. So sorry, who ever did that should serve jail time.

Dad has decided to put the little guy out of his suffering and he has found a home for the other one with a lady who has lots of chickens and ducks.
Thanks for all the advice.....I sent him the link and he has been reading them and he thanks everyone too.
he did the right thing....there should be more people in the world like him...it turns my stomach to think what people will do to animals....at least they are ok now
And from what I saw in the pic, the roo's comb is kind of purple, meaning, lack of oxygen and his body is overly stressed. Not a good outcome. Glad the deed was done and glad the other one had a home.

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