Discussion of Duck facts and myths


Crossing the Road
Jun 25, 2019
My Coop
My Coop


The above links will take you to articles of duck facts/myths that I've found to be a bit far fetched, but at the same time fascinating. I'm hoping together we can make better sense through experience as to what is absolutely true, and what is most likely false.

Up for discussion is...
A. The drake penis falling off only to be regrown for breeding season.
B. Ducks, and other birds, being able to change genders.
C. Any other controversial facts we arrive at.

Please respect everyone's opinions and research, this is strictly a learning project.
With that being said, educate and enlighten me please!
I'll start us off...

The 2nd article of the guy's experience with Mandarins leads me to believe, if birds can in fact change genders it would only be female to male? He goes on to explain that the change is due to an ovary dying in the female, leaving her without the added female hormones. Seems like a solid case for this, although I don't know how common it would be.

And the drake penis, I've not kept ducks long enough to notice a missing penis yet, though I do try to give Tom his privacy for the most part.
Wonder if they can reproduce as males after a transition?
I'm gonna say no to that.

No I've not found a penis lying around anywhere, but I suppose it would be possible for the body to absorb it rather than it fall off. That one especially is still on my myth list unless someone has research or proof otherwise.
No penises here either, so I say myth.
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Birds can somewhat transition between genders, if something happens to their natural hormones, they can start to look a bit like the other gender. Capons look very henish, and Poulards look very male. They will not be able to reproduce as either gender as they are no longer completely either gender.

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