Dog killed my chickens, I killed the dog

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Sorry for your loss...

I don't blame you one little bit for dispatching the dog. Once a killer... always a killer. My dog grabbed one of my hens as she thought it was a toy. As soon as she realized, she dropped my hen and acted like she did something wrong. (BTW... my hen wasn't hurt) She has never touched another one of my chickens since, but is very protective of them now. They say dogs can't show remorse, but I don't believe that. Indy was obviously upset that she may have done something wrong (I never touched her, never even got to yell at her). In your case the dog deliberately killed your chickens. There is no excuse for that, or remedy.

This is your neighbor's fault and their responsibility. The dog was on your property and destroyed your flock. They should be held responsible.

Best of luck...

anthrochick, yours is very much the exception to the rule. Most of us in rural areas deal with roaming dogs on a daily basis. Very few folks would go to the trouble and expense to keep their dogs at home as you have. I do hope yours never gets out and is the dog in a situation like this one.
Hi, I know how you feel. I had the most amazing hen, we called her Mommy. She lived for chicks, used to lay her eggs in the strangest places and then sit and sit... Eventually she'd get up for a snack and I would follow her and see where she's sitting and take her food and water. One morning, nearly a year ago, I went to feed her and found a whole lot of feathers, but no Mommy. The gardener didn't feed his dog, so the dog ate my hen. I wanted to kill the dog and her owner. Eventually I did forgive the dog. I still get sad thinking and talking about Mommy. It's not nice losing someone you love like that. And well done for sorting the dog out. Once they got into that habit they never stop. Good luck, hey.
Sharon - with such irresponsible pet owners, I would spare the dog the inevitable and take it to the dog shelter now! You know something is going to happen and that poor dog is going to be the one to pay for it, so when the neighbors aren't home and the dog it out, load the dog up and take it to a shelter or rescue on the other side of town. You will be saving the dog and your little chickies....
Im Very sorry for the loss of your chickens
BUT u should have the law on your side. I know in the State of Ohio it is perfectly legal for an owner of livestock (poultry are considered livestock) to shoot or kill any dog "menacing" or killing their stock. I believe that is the law in most states too. Good Luck! It will not bring the chickens back but It will hopefully teach the owners a lesson.
The same thing happened to me a few weeks ago. A neighborhood dog clawed through 2 layers of fencing to get to my chicks and killed 6 of the 7. He ran off before we could catch him. The next day the dog went to a neighbors and killed one of theirs. She called the sheriff and he came out and shot the dog.
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