Dougie has hurt herself again!

Is it time for another Dougie update?
For sure!
She's doing better since starting the pain medication, definitely. We're continuing the hydrotherapy which is also helping. She's still in her recovery crate atm, but I'm considering letting her back in the pen with Sprightly as of tomorrow, since she's doing better and I'm not worried about Spright knocking her over anymore-- I think it'll make both of them happier to have eachother back properly. Sprightly lies right next to Dougie through the bars, missing their cuddles for sure!
Sprightly does get jealous of Dougie's medicine, etc, but I always make sure to bring her a couple peas or a blueberry so that she doesnt feel left out lol

Dougie hasnt been panting/trembling at night since starting medication, so I think its doing its job and she's feeling a ton better 😁
So hopefully back to a bit of normality tomorrow, for us all!
For sure!
She's doing better since starting the pain medication, definitely. We're continuing the hydrotherapy which is also helping. She's still in her recovery crate atm, but I'm considering letting her back in the pen with Sprightly as of tomorrow, since she's doing better and I'm not worried about Spright knocking her over anymore-- I think it'll make both of them happier to have eachother back properly. Sprightly lies right next to Dougie through the bars, missing their cuddles for sure!
Sprightly does get jealous of Dougie's medicine, etc, but I always make sure to bring her a couple peas or a blueberry so that she doesnt feel left out lol

Dougie hasnt been panting/trembling at night since starting medication, so I think its doing its job and she's feeling a ton better 😁
So hopefully back to a bit of normality tomorrow, for us all!
That is great to hear!
And I also wanted to say thank you to everyone for all the advice and support- it was a stressful week and I don't know what I would do without this fantastic community!!
One thing I’ve learned about this community, no matter whether we have our birds for pet purposes, breeders, food supply, fun, etc, we all care about each other and the support here is second to none! Glad Dougie is doing well.

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