FDA claims we have no rights

Look at the number of people getting sick and even dying because they ate food that was supposedly "regulated", "inspected", "safe". Thanks but no-thanks. I grew up drinking raw milk, eating foods we grew and preserved using methods that my grandmother learned from her father. Never suffered with e-coli. Of course our systems built a natural immunity to bad stuff because we washed our hands using home made lye soap and not all this anti-bacterial stuff.
BTW, how are they going to control what we eat? As far as I can tell, if I want to go to the store and get turkey and carrots, I don't think a government agent is going to jump out behind me and arrest me.
Anything you buy in a store will have to pass their regulations and inspections.
If they want to control what you grow and raise to feed yourself, they will need to try much harder and violate already existing laws.

I read through a summary of the actual bill and it says it exempts individuals. The way everything is worded makes the bill aimed at the big companies that have frequent issues with illness laden foods, both domestic and foreign. The representative that is pushing the bill may have bigger dreams controlling individual farms, but he's going to have a hell of a time doing that.
Are they talking about food sold to people?? If so..then i agree that they should have to pass inspections....
but i highly doubt that they can tell an individual what they can eat....
I'm a rebel..i'll eat what i want anyways.... and i have the fat gut to prove it too..
I for one do not think it is the governments right to tell me if I want to feed my family raw milk and organic food that I don't have the right. I am sick of all the genetically engineered food that has been made to resist different things and that is so engineered that it does not even taste like the food I remember eating as a child, we went and picked veggies right out of our garden and ate them with no worries of pesticides and hybrid plants I am one that will be glad to get to my farm and raise as much of my own food as I can. I worry about what they are putting in the food these days.
MMMM....Don't get me cranked up. Raw milk has literally saved my life and I'm so firmly committed to it that we have begun to sell under license, which in GA is only for consumption by pets.

There are so many things our gov needs to do,,,,fight drugs, crimes, inflation, joblessness and it needs to quit legislating and regulating and doing....Oh yes, I forgot educating our population- a big one!

Well, I'm off to drink my own raw milk before I go to jail!
If they would stop importing foods from countires like China and south america and let american farmers feed the US we wouldnt have to worry about new laws. You never heard of all these health problems before. I believe the farmers here are cutting corners to compete with the foreign farmers and that is causing alot of the problems. Personally I think China is out to get us one person at a time but thats just me.
Well. This looks like the beginning of an Orwellian nightmare. The FDA has no right to exist, actually. *Goes and re-reads US Constitution* Ah, nope. Nothing.

*Goes out and cracks open a pod of homegrown Alaskan peas* Regulate THAT!

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