~<>~ Fight or Flight ~<>~ (A Wild Chicken Roleplay)

(I need someone to make an evil War Chief for Claw Flock. @ChickenCowboy02 ?)
Wing pecked Fluff's beak. "We should try to escape from Cloud." he peeped excitedly. Cloud was nearby fussing over a piece of spiderweb on Feather's head.

Tiny rushed toward River, almost bumping into several chickens. "Can we learn tree-fighting techniques? I'm really good at flying!" she chirped.

Fast came after his sister more slowly.
"Yeah!" Fluff peeped happily
River nodded "Yes we can" She said
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"Yeah!" Fluff peeped happily
River nodded "Yes we can" She said
"Ok," Wing chirped, thinking of a strategic escape plan. "Oh, I know! We can ask to go play with Stripe and Peck, but instead go somewhere else! She'll never suspect a thing!" he squeaked and started walking toward Cloud. Then, Wing abruptly stopped and turned around. "Where are we going to go, anyway?" he asked, a mischievous light in his eyes.

Tiny bounced up and down with glee. "I get to fly! Yay!" she peeped.
"Stop acting like a chick," Fast snapped.
"C'mon Fast! Why are you such a grump?" Tiny asked innocently.
"Why are you such a chick?" Fast muttered.
"We're only 1 month old! We are chicks, silly!" Tiny peeped.
"I guess," Fast mumbled.
"Ok," Wing chirped, thinking of a strategic escape plan. "Oh, I know! We can ask to go play with Stripe and Peck, but instead go somewhere else! She'll never suspect a thing!" he squeaked and started walking toward Cloud. Then, Wing abruptly stopped and turned around. "Where are we going to go, anyway?" he asked, a mischievous light in his eyes.

Tiny bounced up and down with glee. "I get to fly! Yay!" she peeped.
"Stop acting like a chick," Fast snapped.
"C'mon Fast! Why are you such a grump?" Tiny asked innocently.
"Why are you such a chick?" Fast muttered.
"We're only 1 month old! We are chicks, silly!" Tiny peeped.
"I guess," Fast mumbled.
"Cool! The berry patch!" Fluff said running after him
"Stop it you two! do you two think you can fly up there?" River said nodding to a branch
"Cool! The berry patch!" Fluff said running after him
"Stop it you two! do you two think you can fly up there?" River said nodding to a branch
Cloud looked at Wing and Fluff as they ran up to her. "Hey Cloud, can we go play with Stripe and Peck? Please?" Wing asked, tilting his head.
"Alright, if they're still in camp." Cloud replied, pecking busily at the huge cobweb on Feather's head.
"I'll race you to them!" Wing squeaked, running and flapping his tiny wings.
Tiny puffed out her chest. "Of course I can!" she peeped boastfully. The little hen ran forward, flapping her wings wildly. The branch was part of a small tree, so even her 1-month-old wings could get her up there. But, the young chick landed clumsily. She fell off, flapping her wings, to the ground.
Meadow walked up to Woodspur. She looked around, making sure Goldenfeather and none of his supporters were in earshot. "I think Goldenfeather's reasons for attacking Wing Flock are fake... what do you think he really wants?" she whispered to her brother, the only one in this flock she really trusted. (@Woodbender )

Blaze strutted up to a group of Warriors, including Briar and Silverwing. "We won that last battle good, didn't we? Those dirty Wing Flockers never stood a chance! And it's all thanks to Goldenfeather!" he let out a triumphant crow at the end that sounded like a dying mouse. (@ChickenCowboy02 @The Angry Hen )

Petal walked up to Goldenfeather. "Are there any chickens that need food?" she asked quietly. "I could get some before the night comes." (@RiverStorm )

Thorn Spurs emerged from the bush at the edge of the small clearing that was Wing Flock's current camp. She let out a long sigh, for her chickens had just lost a large border skirmish and many were injured. Shadow, the War Chief, had lost use in one of his eyes. "Why is Goldenfeather doing this?" she whispered to herself sadly.

Shadow walked into the Herbalists' current herb storage place. He looked at Sweet. "Is there anything you can do for my eye?" he asked, fearing the worst. (@vachick15 )

Blizzard flew into a tree and let out a mighty crow in the direction of Claw Flock's border. He flew back down, wincing as his leg hit the ground. A Claw Flocker had spurred his leg and taken out one of his scales. He walked up to Shadowfoot and Storm. "Those Claw flockers need to be taught a lesson they never forget." he clucked darkly. (@Flufferes )
Blaze strutted up to a group of Warriors, including Briar and Silverwing. "We won that last battle good, didn't we? Those dirty Wing Flockers never stood a chance! And it's all thanks to Goldenfeather!" he let out a triumphant crow at the end that sounded like a dying mouse. (@ChickenCowboy02 @The Angry Hen )

"Yes, I assume that's it!" Said SilverWing with a brave look on her face. "I agree with you, sir." She told Blaze. "What shall we do next, Sir?" *Angry hen face.*
Meadow walked up to Woodspur. She looked around, making sure Goldenfeather and none of his supporters were in earshot. "I think Goldenfeather's reasons for attacking Wing Flock are fake... what do you think he really wants?" she whispered to her brother, the only one in this flock she really trusted. (@Woodbender )

Blaze strutted up to a group of Warriors, including Briar and Silverwing. "We won that last battle good, didn't we? Those dirty Wing Flockers never stood a chance! And it's all thanks to Goldenfeather!" he let out a triumphant crow at the end that sounded like a dying mouse. (@ChickenCowboy02 @The Angry Hen )

Petal walked up to Goldenfeather. "Are there any chickens that need food?" she asked quietly. "I could get some before the night comes." (@RiverStorm )

Thorn Spurs emerged from the bush at the edge of the small clearing that was Wing Flock's current camp. She let out a long sigh, for her chickens had just lost a large border skirmish and many were injured. Shadow, the War Chief, had lost use in one of his eyes. "Why is Goldenfeather doing this?" she whispered to herself sadly.

Shadow walked into the Herbalists' current herb storage place. He looked at Sweet. "Is there anything you can do for my eye?" he asked, fearing the worst. (@vachick15 )

Blizzard flew into a tree and let out a mighty crow in the direction of Claw Flock's border. He flew back down, wincing as his leg hit the ground. A Claw Flocker had spurred his leg and taken out one of his scales. He walked up to Shadowfoot and Storm. "Those Claw flockers need to be taught a lesson they never forget." he clucked darkly. (@Flufferes )
Sweet nodded, "I can. What happened?" she retreated to the back of the den and reemerged with cobwebs, goldenrod, marigold and lots of celandine. She pressed the cobwebs on his eyes, removed them, then made a poultice out of the herbs and applied it gently.
"Yes, I assume that's it!" Said SilverWing with a brave look on her face. "I agree with you, sir." She told Blaze. "What shall we do next, Sir?" *Angry hen face.*
Blaze looked surprised and smug, he didn't expect to be called 'sir'. "Well," he clucked, not bothering to correct the young hen, "I'm not the one to ask. Goldenfeather is the Flock Leader, and he's probably planning a new attack right now!"

Sweet nodded, "I can. What happened?" she retreated to the back of the den and reemerged with cobwebs, goldenrod, marigold and lots of celandine.
"Claw Flock happened," Shadow said, an angry look on his face. "They attacked us at the border, and we lost. One of them spurred my eye."

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