~<>~ Fight or Flight ~<>~ (A Wild Chicken Roleplay)

Silverfluff started; she trained differently than most of the other trainees, and didn't often cross paths with them. "No, I didn't see anything. I thought I did at one point, when Blizzard came to start his watch. He's so quiet, you don't notice he's there until he's right behind you. That kinda scared me." She paused, wondering if she had blurted out to much too quickly.
"Oh," Stripe said, but he hadn't expected Silverfluff to see a Giant-Fur anyway. Not many chickens had even glimpsed a Giant-Fur. The chickens that do get a good look at them don't survive to tell about it. "Ya, Blizzard is kinda quiet. Except when he's ranting about Claw Flock." Stripe peeped mischievously.

(Winter is in the woods; would you like her to see something, @RoostersAreAwesome?)

Winter hummed a song to herself, and clucked happily to herself as she found some queen anne's lace with beautiful, large tubers and many fat, juicy grubs gathered around them.(Like I said, she's very cheerful and optomistic:p)
(What do you mean by 'see something'?)
Rose jerked her head. I know that voice... thought the Top Broody. "Winter? Is that you?" She cackled.
Cold ran over nocking Tiny out of the way
Tiny's hackles raised. "Hey! Whatcha think you're doing?!" She blurted out angrily, before realizing that it was Cold. "Oh, I-I'm sorry C-cold." She stammered, looking at the ground.

Fast ran up, seeing Tiny bump into Cold. What did she get herself into this time?
Tiny's hackles raised. "Hey! Whatcha think you're doing?!" She blurted out angrily, before realizing that it was Cold. "Oh, I-I'm sorry C-cold." She stammered, looking at the ground.

Fast ran up, seeing Tiny bump into Cold. What did she get herself into this time?
"You watch it chick! you wouden`t want to get in trouble!" Cold spat
River ran up to listen to Goldenfeather
Goldenfeather watched as his warriors and trainees came "We are going to attack wing flock! The plan is to circle their territory and 'run' into their petrol and defeat them wound and weaken them as much as possible, we leave now." He crowed
"Oh," Stripe said, but he hadn't expected Silverfluff to see a Giant-Fur anyway. Not many chickens had even glimpsed a Giant-Fur. The chickens that do get a good look at them don't survive to tell about it. "Ya, Blizzard is kinda quiet. Except when he's ranting about Claw Flock." Stripe peeped mischievously.

(What do you mean by 'see something'?)
Rose jerked her head. I know that voice... thought the Top Broody. "Winter? Is that you?" She cackled.

"That's for sure," Silverfluff laughed, then looked around nervously to make sure Blizzard hadn't heard her and taken it as an insult.

(I mean if you'd like wing flock to have some warning)

Winter raised her head and ceased humming. "Hello Rose! How are you this fine morning?"
"You watch it chick! you wouden`t want to get in trouble!" Cold spat
River ran up to listen to Goldenfeather
Goldenfeather watched as his warriors and trainees came "We are going to attack wing flock! The plan is to circle their territory and 'run' into their petrol and defeat them wound and weaken them as much as possible, we leave now." He crowed
Tiny ducked her head. "I'm sorry." She mumbled again and took off toward Goldenfeather.

Fast sighed with relief and followed his sister.

Blaze scratched his claws through the dust, imagining it was the feathers of a Wingflocker.

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