~<>~ Fight or Flight ~<>~ (A Wild Chicken Roleplay)

LOL! I understand this is dead, but I want to revieve it!

Character Form:

Name: Cloverwing
Age: 4 months
Gender: Female
Flock: Wings
Rank: Herbalist Trainee
Trainer/Trainee(s): Who ever the herbalist is?
Personality: Outgoing, talkitive, loves helping others,
Breed/Description: Bantam GLW
Parents: Umm... IDK
Siblings: Only one to survive hatch :(
Mate/Crush: Sunfoot
Chicks: None, yet...
History: Escaped from human house
Username: @Sephora day

Character Form:

Name: Sunfoot
Age: 6 months
Gender: MAle
Flock: Wings
Rank: Forager part time and Guard part time
Trainer/Trainee(s): Nope I guess
Personality: Shy, slightly aggresive, protective
Breed/Description: Polish
Parents: IDK
Siblings: Someone I guess?
Mate/Crush: Cloverwing
Chicks: None
History: lived here whole life
Username: @Sephora day
(It's not dead, it's just an in and out sort of thing that slowly drags.)
LOL! I understand this is dead, but I want to revieve it!

Character Form:

Name: Cloverwing
Age: 4 months
Gender: Female
Flock: Wings
Rank: Herbalist Trainee
Trainer/Trainee(s): Who ever the herbalist is?
Personality: Outgoing, talkitive, loves helping others,
Breed/Description: Bantam GLW
Parents: Umm... IDK
Siblings: Only one to survive hatch :(
Mate/Crush: Sunfoot
Chicks: None, yet...
History: Escaped from human house
Username: @Sephora day

Character Form:

Name: Sunfoot
Age: 6 months
Gender: MAle
Flock: Wings
Rank: Forager part time and Guard part time
Trainer/Trainee(s): Nope I guess
Personality: Shy, slightly aggresive, protective
Breed/Description: Polish
Parents: IDK
Siblings: Someone I guess?
Mate/Crush: Cloverwing
Chicks: None
History: lived here whole life
Username: @Sephora day
Those look great! The only thing is, there aren't any humans on the island, so you'll have to change Cloverwing's history. ;)
Other than that, they're both accepted!
Huckleberry nodded at her gratefully. She fluffed herself up. "We found this body at the edge of your camp." She looked around at the shocked faces, her gaze searching. "Where is Thorn Spurs?"

Thorn Spurs stepped forward. "I'm right here," she clucked quietly. "Huckleberry, you and some of your companions need to come with me. We have a lot to discuss." Her voice was commanding, but weary.

"Of course," Huckleberry chirped briskly. She turned to her flockmates, beckoning a few of them forward with her wing. "Rosemary, Acorn, come with me. You too, Stream."

Tiny nodded vigorously. "Yeah, he is," she waited for him to speak, wondering what else this could be about.
Huckleberry trotted after Thorn Spurs to a large tree with interwoven branches that was the Wing Flock meeting place. She crouched down and launched herself into the air, landing on one of the higher branches. The old english game bantam looked down at Huckleberry, Rosemary, Acorn, and Stream on the floor below, waiting for them to join her.

Rose made as if to fly up with Thorn Spurs, but the Flock Leader spotted her and shook her head. "Rose, you and Dove stay down there and guard the base of the meeting tree." she ordered, then turned to look back at the Tree flockers. "Of course," Rose muttered, though Thorn Spurs had already looked away.
"What's up with Thorn Spurs?" Rose asked Dove quietly, giving the Tree flockers a suspicious look. "We are members of the Council, we should be there to decide what to do with the foreigners."

(@Rubysword ? That is, if you decided to start RPing again)
(@RiverStorm @TheGirlOverThere )
Can´t change it...



Cloverwing opened her wings and flapped a couple times. She had been tired, and had just woke up. She hopped of of the herbalist tree roost and walked over to the herbalist hollow(????).

(I'm going to write N/A as her history, then. If that's okay?)

Spruce, another herbalist, limped up to her. "Hey, I need you to bind Rip's eye and comb with cobwebs and moss. Whatever works. He got his eye torn out and his comb practically ripped out by those mud-feathered, cotton-headed Claw flockers."
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Huckleberry trotted after Thorn Spurs to a large tree with interwoven branches that was the Wing Flock meeting place. She crouched down and launched herself into the air, landing on one of the higher branches. The old english game bantam looked down at Huckleberry, Rosemary, Acorn, and Stream on the floor below, waiting for them to join her.

Rose made as if to fly up with Thorn Spurs, but the Flock Leader spotted her and shook her head. "Rose, you and Dove stay down there and guard the base of the meeting tree." she ordered, then turned to look back at the Tree flockers. "Of course," Rose muttered, though Thorn Spurs had already looked away.
"What's up with Thorn Spurs?" Rose asked Dove quietly, giving the Tree flockers a suspicious look. "We are members of the Council, we should be there to decide what to do with the foreigners."

(@Rubysword ? That is, if you decided to start RPing again)
(@RiverStorm @TheGirlOverThere )
Raven followed like a shadow, though she wasn't on the counci she would watch, and support Tree Flock.
(i'm alive, just had no idea what to write since i only have one character)


Stream breaks the silence. "What should we do about this? I feel like this is important, but not to us as a flock. That flock has been troublesome before and I don't feel like it's the time to come out of our shell to do something." Stream shakes her feathers, slightly embarrassed. "Something is definitely wrong over there."

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