So everything has been going really well - We spent a ton of time yesterday in the soon-to-be-coop/run jumping in and out of the water and running around.

Last night and this morning the little ones seemed tired, but I assumed it was just because they had so much activity.

This afternoon we got home from Mother’s Day brunch and the black duckling was laying in the corner of the brooder by the heat source. He wouldn’t get up and could hardly open his eyes.

I tried to give him water and he wasn’t interested, wouldn’t touch food. I didn’t have electrolyte mix (because I’m dumb and everything has been going so well that I didn’t put together a first aid kit) so I mixed up some water with sugar, salt and a little bit of baking soda.

He drank a bit of that, stood up, laid down, drank some more and walked a short distance and is now back to lying down.

He seems limp and doesn’t protest if I try to pet or pick him up (normally friendly but not entirely into petting).

It’s been incredibly warm in Oregon but they are in the house which has controlled temp around 70. Should I take the heat source out? What could it be?

The other duckling is running around and acting completely normal ... @WVduckchick @Miss Lydia Any thoughts or suggestions you might have would be so appreciated.

Refresh my brain on how old they are now?
Could just be tired, or could it have eaten anything odd that you didn't notice? Check for any possible injuries too. Were they in the water long enough to get waterlogged? Feathers very soaked?
A dab of Nutridrench wouldn't hurt, if you have some.

As far as the heat, I like to have a warm end and a cooler end in my brooder, so they can go wherever they are most comfortable.
They are exactly two weeks old today.

They were fiddling around the coop and could have eaten a bug or two but nothing crazy that I can think of.

They got wet but I dried them with a towel and let them preen in the warm/dry brooder full of fresh shavings.

Thanks for your prompt response. He seems to be improving a bit now that he’s had water. Still not 100% normal by any means though.

Good morning and thank you for asking! The black duckling seems to be much more chipper and eating and drinking normally. The brown duckling was a little slower to go, but seemed to perk up a bit with fresh water, food and new pine shavings.

It occured to me that the brooder temp was a little lower (72) than it had been (82-85) due to our AC kicking on yesterday afternoon. I’m wondering if maybe they had gotten cold?

I was so concerned about the hot weather outside that I didn’t think about the potential changes inside ...

Keeping them both on the electrolyte water for today. I hope everything is well while I’m away at work.

Could have been the sudden change in temps, 72 is a little on the cool side for 2 week olds. even 3* difference might help make them warmer. That may have been why you lil one was under the heat lamp. Go by how they are acting in the brooder and make sure they have one end nice and warm other end cooler so they have a choice.

Hey I thought you were going to get a few more ducklings?
Forgot to say awesome they are doing much better today!!

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