Grumble grumble grumble….

What do you do when the internet sucks at camp? You pull out all you past IT knowledge skill and training and make it better!

When I went to town yesterday I purchased a NetGear wifi extender, then I had to fiddle around setting it up 😊

Now I am able to check out my chickies on the barn cams, and check out BYC without cursing every 10 seconds!

Awwww look Mr P has his head tucked up - sort of…. 🥰

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Good job!
Sorry, I did not read ahead. Apparently not have chosen him.
He was a sick chick that we hadn't planned on keeping. It would be difficult to give him any hens we have now as we have multiple roosters for all tribes but one, Viejito only has 2 hens and has no tolerance for young roosters. If he hangs around until spring we'll join him up with a young group.
Preening party in the sunny and extravagant Cozy Corner.

Peanut (back right) giving Butters advice on how to get through a hard molt. It looks that way for Butters, we'll see. Her poops are watery now. But they both are eating well, love to eat pellets out of my hand, even after some mealworms and corn. Peanut's pins are about a centimeter long now. Butters' whole face is gray with tiny pins.
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Dual panel extravagance - everybody can move around and get warm! Peanut is there regularly for all her rest stops during the day. I felt Peanut's body yesterday, she feels tiny and skinny, but no swelling or bulging in her belly. Her and everybody's eyes still look good.
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Peanut preening with an assist from Hazel. She lets her pick bits here and there, but stopped her when she pulled on a pin.
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A few days ago Peanut was hanging out here and tossing oak leaves and shreds on her back. What's up with that? She is not laying. Looking for extra warmth?
Interesting! I’m not sure what that means. Minnie Minnie was doing that today, too.

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