These birds are supposed to be going to the coop to sleep, not roto-tilling my yard! :barnie
We cannot trust Aurora on this one. She also does not think Phyllis and Betty are real chickens. But she did contradict herself on that one in her last Ask Aurora. A key thing to "The Way of the Chicken" is broodiness and hatching chicks. Aurora has never went broody. The questionable Phyllis has, repeatedly thus making her a real chicken. I hate to point it out to her, but even Queens may be wrong on some things.
"I can't believe I am forced to respond again. All birds go broody to hatch eggs. It is not exclusive to chickens. All going broody means is that Phyllis is some kind of bird. Some weird annoying bird."


I think it may be either she originally got poked with, I am guessing, wire off the fencing, OR it was a drainage spot. When I used a warm cloth, I did wet that spot, thinking if it was dried blood it would dissolve and wipe off,,, it didnt, and it didnt flick off with my fingernail, so I am not 100% sure what it is.
It could be some kind of insect bite. How about going back to Benadryl?
Ok experts, this is not foul cholera ,

This morning I noticed one of my hens had a swollen wattle, she is acting fine.
Just one, no I dont think it is Foul Cholera, but she has something going on, I put some Benadryl cream on it to start, later I'll see if that did much-----

image_67182081.JPG image_50392321.JPG


On an irritating note, I noticed some beginnings of mold is a few places on the walls,,
SO< 10am
I got ever side wall wiped down and then sprayed with the Clorox cleaner and wiped again.
(an older pic)

The Benadryl cream did help a bit, but after I was done cleaning about 11:30, I got a warm wash cloth out and wiped her wattle off and rubbed it a bit, then I put bag balm on it. I scrubbed the water jug and refilled it. I added Rooster Booster electrolytes and probiotics to the water.

so now its 3:45, I
checked on the hen, its not draining just very swollen, what do you think if I put arnica cream on it?
Like I said, she is eating and drinking and acting fine, but I bet she has a headache....

Any thoughts???
I'd have to look up the anatomy. I call them "side wattles."

I have no experience and have never read about fowl cholera before. The little bit I'm reading says "swollen wattles" using the plural, but it's not clear if both wattles are swollen in a single bird. Unless she's got immunity it doesn't make sense it could be that if she's otherwise acting fine (poop is normal?), and you have no other chickens affected. Also, that's the only wattle swollen, seems weird....Suspecting infection from a wound, it's a likely wound spot too.
"I can't believe I am forced to respond again. All birds go broody to hatch eggs. It is not exclusive to chickens. All going broody means is that Phyllis is some kind of bird. Some weird annoying bird."


View attachment 3382208
Wonderful comeback. I wondered how the Queen was going to word it so that she did NOT have to admit that poor Phyllis was not a chicken. That and not admit she had made a mistake or was wrong.
Porch this morning, it was still pretty dark at 7am with the snow on the Little Run roof. I need to remember to rotate the iPad so it will be more full screen, sorry. I think the camera infra red probably helped them jump down! Porch has enough room for everyone to take their time. Someone was still in the coop snoozing, I checked.View attachment 3381960
View attachment 3381961
View attachment 3381962

And Thursday evening, caught them going in
View attachment 3381963
Looks like they approve!
Ok experts, this is not foul cholera ,

This morning I noticed one of my hens had a swollen wattle, she is acting fine.
Just one, no I dont think it is Foul Cholera, but she has something going on, I put some Benadryl cream on it to start, later I'll see if that did much-----

image_67182081.JPG image_50392321.JPG


On an irritating note, I noticed some beginnings of mold is a few places on the walls,,
SO< 10am
I got ever side wall wiped down and then sprayed with the Clorox cleaner and wiped again.
(an older pic)

The Benadryl cream did help a bit, but after I was done cleaning about 11:30, I got a warm wash cloth out and wiped her wattle off and rubbed it a bit, then I put bag balm on it. I scrubbed the water jug and refilled it. I added Rooster Booster electrolytes and probiotics to the water.

so now its 3:45, I
checked on the hen, its not draining just very swollen, what do you think if I put arnica cream on it?
Like I said, she is eating and drinking and acting fine, but I bet she has a headache....

Any thoughts???
You had some response with Benadryl as @BY Bob suggested I'd do more of that, plus pain relief, a baby aspirin in a bit of yummy food.

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