That didn't sound like grumbling to me! It had an upturned end to each, it was talkative, a little excited and earnest, like "Whats going on?" ...and the looking around....did she know it wasn't the usual routine? Is she looking to see who else is near? Why did she walk away, especially if she wants to hog it all for herself? The walking away astounded me. My ladies, particularly Popcorn and Butters, would have destroyed that bag!
She had been at it for a while but corn is not her favorite. Now meal worms she would have been after until she could not move.
Hi Everyone! I am in Carrington North Dakota tonight....

Blizzard warnings out for ND and Saskatchewan... winter is not done yet it seems.

It was dicey driving the last couple hrs, so needless to say I didn't make it to Jamestown - I made it to Carrington and got a hotel. Might be here till Sunday if the weather predictions are correct....

You have cows??? :) I hear you on the frozen water, mud and lost footwear, and soaking socks :hugs
Be wise. It is more important to get home safe than fast.
Hi, guys. I just saw on social media that the breeder I would like to use had a mountain lion visit two nights ago, wiped out half of her ducks, bent the metal roof of the chicken coop and managed to get one of the Isabella Leghorn roosters. The human is so heartbroken, she is considering giving up the animals and sticking to plants.

I guess the reason this happened is that one of her mischievous livestock guardian dogs busted through her electric fence, and started protecting the neighbor’ property and animals, as well. This means the dog was pooping around the perimeter of the neighbors’ yard, and they were not impressed.

She eventually had to fence in her dog, and so without the dogs to protect the perimeter, first a mountain lion got the complaining neighbors’ goats and sheep, and then came back later for her birds.

The other breeder I was thinking of using stop, touching their own birds and get them from the hatchery. I want to get away from hatcheries, so that is out.

So I may or may not get chicks this year.

In other news, I think one of the older gals came back into lay today.
Definitely NOT done with Winter!! Pennsilvania Philis predicted more Winter season! NEVER doubt Polish Crested! @BY Bob,You are so lucky to haver her!!
I truly am. She is a special lady. 💖


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