I am really not sure of the plan behind shuffling the eggs. I sometimes think it is to cause me to lose my mind.

Tax: Sylvie is not yet big enough to be totally able to move the eggs. Sometimes she succeeds in getting them up over the lip but other times she moves herself and lays her egg with the ceramic one (wherever Bernie or Babs left it last)
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So beautiful. 🥰
You really do need a Cream Legbar. Those crested critters are perfect. They have floppy combs, great personalities, the flight of a Leghorn (minus an inch or so), and, BLUE EGGS! EVERY DAY!!!
At this rate you should really join the Cream Legbar Club. You should ask Aurora to see what she says. She is probably thirsting for another follower to dominate (besides you).
My little Azurs lay pretty blue eggs also, and they are just so darn adorable and small, almost banty sized. Ultra curious and friendly. Very food motivated! Eggs may not be all that big but they are a pretty robins egg blue.
There are a lot of F bombs going in my head right now 😢

And Rico is a dead duck 😡 he just killed Floyd, i hate these roosters. I have been doing my darnedest to get rid of these rotten little flockers, and I am sure Rico was the cause of Tuff’s demise.

To say I hate the little so and so’s would be mild. The hens hate them, I hate them. I will never hatch eggs again, I will never give anyone any of my eggs to hatch.

I just caught each of them and chucked them into the summer house - they can stay there till I can either get rid of them or get my BIL’s brother down to kill them for me.

I am so done with Roos. ROTTEN. LITTLE. FLOCKERS

I am sooo sorry, RIP pretty boy Floyd. This one hurts. I understand the anger and frustration with the boys, when they cross a line their fates are sealed. I came so close to wringing Twigs neck if I could have caught him when he turned on Branch and almost killed him. I loved that boy, tried everything for it to work out but it was not meant to be and no one messes with Branch. If Bubba were to turn on Branch out of the blue I would end him or get rid of him as well. I have got to get my act together and rehome the 2 boys in Raven's group of chicks. Mom is falling for one of them and I sort of like the other. After the Twig fiasco I just cannot take a chance on a 3rd boy. No, I could, but I will not.
'Fraid I do NOT know. I haven't researched the genetics of legbar colors beyond the basic cream crested. No idea how they got the white.

Speculation: crossed with something with dominant white (which I don't really understand cause it breaks rules). Legbars are supposed to be auto-sexing. The cream crested is. Don't know about the other color varieties. Logically they should be to be classified as legbars. Reality: no idea on that either. My point: in bringing in other colors, breeders also bring in other egg colors. Results: the other feather color varieties may still need work to breed to standards, which may or may not exist yet.

Whether or not Glynda produces blue eggs, she's a beauty.
Here is your answer.

The Frost White Legbars have all-white feathers. The white feather coloring is a recessive trait occasionally thrown by Cream Legbars. Frost White Legbars were created by selective breeding of the white only Cream Legbars and will breed true. Frost White Legbars may be crested, have a floppy comb, and yellow legs.

It is essentially a mutant cream legbar.

My little mutant.
He has a Frost Legbar, aren't they the same - the same chances of getting blue eggs?
Yes as far as I know the same chances. I think 1 in 100 lays white eggs, maybe someone can confirm this, or not. Same as my Azurs who are LeghornxAracauna hybrids.

Funnily enough my Azurs are not as much into flying up into high places as my chicks are. Sophia’s chicks are not at all interested in flying to high places either.

It’s interesting to see how some like to fly up into high locations and others not so much.

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