Oi! Stop picking on redheads. I have 2 lovely, redheaded offspring and they are practically perfect in every way. But I may be biased. ;)
But it’s fun to pick on RedHeads, (they are beautiful, when they are angry) :old Just saying. (But I’m a daredevil so....)
Awhile back I was debating whether or not to switch to a layer feed. I was concerned that they may not have been getting a proper amount of calcium in their diet with an “all-flock” type of feed. They lay every day. I was advised to do it, on this thread. (Thanks, Bob!)
A few months ago (Feb or March) we began letting the girls out in the yard every day and their eggs actually changed. Lighter color, and it might be my imagination, but the shells seem less thick. So we did the switch to layer feed, and we keep them in the pen for the morning hours so they eat a good serving of it. I still keep the oyster shell out of course.
And I still give them their treat of collard greens and kale and peas at night when they go back to the pen. The rest of the day they have been foraging the yard, and loving it!
I'm glad it is working for them. 👍
By crushing to powder in a mortar, then mixing with some Greek yogurt I make (have had to make it more often now that I'm not the only one eating it!) then mixing until thick with their old all-flock crumbles because pellets don't make a moldable mash. I let it sit a bit to thicken, then form little balls out of it. Small marble size. I had just let them peck at the little mash pile, but this tends to ensure they're eating it all, none is left behind and not much gets flung about. Today I made up all the balls before I served it to them, because sometimes they're like piranhas and gobble them up as fast as I can make them. I enjoy handing them out, watching how everyone has a different style, and the bowl is available so no one has to wait for me if they don't want to. For instance Butters likes to take a ball and put it down to see it or something, then pick it up and hitch it back into her beak. She will be the victim of a steal unless there are more for the others. Today Peanut grabbed each ball from me or the bowl and walked away to eat it in private before coming back for more. Sometimes she eats it in pieces and sometimes whole. Popcorn just stood right next to the dish and ate from my hand and from the bowl, hitching them back as fast as she could, until she had enough. Same with Hazel, who doesn't usually eat that much, but every few days she chows down.
This is very clever. You have knack for clever solutions. You are going to be real good at this chicken thing. 👍👍

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