Not permitted to read a spoiler - really?!

But as @BY Bob has requested I have not read the spoiler.... it will about kill me with curiosity but I guess I can contain myself! barely....

I am baking bread in the dreaded gas oven... :eek:
I think it's doing ok, I had to raise the bottom rack up though as I thought it might be burning, the flame is on the bottom of the oven. It's like cooking in the old wood fire range! Oh I remember that old stove well at our friends cottage - I loved using the handle to move the round 'plates' from the top of the range to throw wood in! And the oven - you had to watch what you were baking like a hawk hahaha

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And my penance for going off the chicken rails
This is what Rebecca is hoping - that my gals go hide away in the hay and return a month later with chickies
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Look at all the Marty sized hidey holes. I swear this will be the guilty culprit. She is tiny, black and worse, a silkie!!
Not chicken related but this popped up on my facebook memories this morning. 8 years ago today before the chickens and horses. I feel every child if possible should grow up with some type of animal. Besides Rosie being so small, my Gracie girl still looked like a pup.
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Butter is still at it trying to sleep in the hay at night.
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Awww that is so cute - dogs and kids - nothing better.

Me thinks Butter is trying to take advice from Momma Hen!
Awww that is so cute - dogs and kids - nothing better.

Me thinks Butter is trying to take advice from Momma Hen!
Butter is gearing up for her winter egg laying break. I've gotten 2 eggs from her this week. She has laid consistently since mid February. I will miss her jumbo sized eggs but it is all for the best for my girly.
Stop using those big college words! :old
What, Butt?

:lau :lau :gig

Darn! I am running out of chicken tax! on my laptop!

OK everyone is sleeping soundly - all bakers dozen :)
ya all asleep.JPG
cedar shavings to clean out the coop
As Alex said, the oils in cedar can irritate their respiratory tract, and the oils themselves can be toxic to chickens (if ingested in high enough quantities). Pine shavings are a better bet for they are less expensive and absorb just as well. If you are looking for a stronger 'pleasant' scent for you, throw a few handfuls of pine needles in the coop each time you clean...or even a few branches with green pine needles (if some have fallen in a wind storm) Provides entertainment and a nice scent!
I was wondering for those of you that live in real cold climates : do you have special clothes to deal with it, or do you just stay inside most of the time ? Also, are houses very well isolated or do you spend crazy amounts heating ? Sorry, these are very naïve questions I realize 🤗.
Our home is reasonably well insulated (at least in the rooms we have gutted and insulated & refinished + the attic!) We set our heat at 61 or 62 degree Farenheit (~ 16 -17 degrees C) As far as for me, unless it is horribly miserable out (windy, sleeting/ice for snow, etc) I'm fine with the cold. I dress in layers. Long sleeve t-shirt, then sweatshirt, then my 'jacket' which is a hooded & quilted flannel shirt. Headband to cover ears, and gloves. If really cold, I add a turtle neck under the sweatshirt & long johns under my pants.
Our bedroom isn't heated, and I've noticed I sleep so much better when it gets cold.
Our bedroom is at the far end and runs a bit cooler. I far prefer that over too hot for sleeping!
Dear Aurora,
I am a young roo about 14 weeks old. My name is Zeus and I am an Ancona chicken black with white tips. This morning I think I had a dream I was crowing or maybe it was Hades. He is so big and acts like the boss but I should be boss and today I proved it by chasing the hens all over. I got in a small fight with one of them she was bigger than me so I backed off. My question is why do I feel this way? It's like I woke up a different roo from yesterday and I went crazy after the girls and I feel more roostery. Please help
thanks Zeus
p.s. Arent I handsome?! I should be head rooster.


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