Now where did santa hide my other presents
One iota+ one iota = 1 dot (a bigger iota, rendering it no longer an iota).

I worked Christmas Eve at Walmart thus my brain has gone loopy tax.
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I was at Walmart here and was surprised it wasn’t a mad house! Was it busy?

It looks like your chickies are enjoying the snow, I am going to see if my gang will go out later on - I see everyone else’s chickens out and about so I will see if mine will go out for change of scenery.
4/13. Gives you a decimal, convert to % Easy peasy.:D

However, just like all math, it is only as good as the numbers put in and the formula used. Pay attention to your variables!

A) If one silkie goes broody, at least one more will, too.

B) 100% pullets would be quite the anomaly. What is your hatched average for pullets? If it is close to @RebeccaBoyd 's average, your increase would be somewhere between 0% & 8%

C) Is it when you are around or your mum? If mum, it is actually likely to be 3 gone broody, one hidden with 9-12 chicks just appearing one day behind the 'lost' hen!

Hahahaha ok here goes:

Broody gals - in my case it will likely be someone other than the obvious ones - like say Blanche who has never been broody!

Hatch rate is 50percent ( Henny Penny hatched her 4 eggs - 2 pullets and 2 Roos).

Sneaky Broodies - well I think my Mum would have a bird if she couldn’t find one of them! And not really any place they can hide away, as for multiple broodies - ya, that’s more likely! But Mum is brutal about removing eggs hahahaha! And she is also adamant about no more chickens!!! So thankfully I don’t have a situation like @RebeccaBoyd does.

Can you imagine what my mother would do if Henny Penny or Marty came sashaying out with a brood of babies?! There would be some words!!!!

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