Awwww thanks 🥰🥰🥰
Gratuitous Sydney photo

Sleeping beauties

Ok all I am heading to slumber land, just checked my chooks and everyone is snoozing. I moved Sophia to the lower roost when I fed the horses for the night. It’s just Penelope and Blanche on the high roost now. Tomorrow it will be all one height - 2 1/2’ (30”) all across so hopefully this will help with the ‘I want to roost up high’ drama.

Indeed! It's just Samantha has been waiting for Wednesday very patiently for very long 😂
Aurora posts the answers on Wednesday, but she has usually worked on them for several days before that. I believe the guideline she originally gave was that questions have to be submitted by Sunday to be considered for that Wednesday. She only answers one per week. And if she gets several good questions it could be several weeks before she gets around to answering one, if she ever does at all. But fingers crossed she eventually addresses Samantha’s question.

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