Two-fer Tuesday

It’s hard to get them all in sets of two now!

2 grey school chicks

2 more school chicks

And more school chicks - they’re everywhere!

2 broody mamas on the lookout for marauding school chicks

2 ladies dust bathing
I suspect it kills on contact when WET, since we spray it on chickens and the coop/surroundings. I also suspect if you use the dust/powder form in the coop, the little buggers walk on it and it gets on their feet. If they are anything like rats, cats, and dogs, they groom themselves and then ingest the powder. The dried spray doesn't really allow for either 'absorption' root.

wdyt? This is just a hypothesis I came up with when this was last brought up about having one walking on your clothes. I have no real way to test this hypothesis, nor do I really want to do a controlled experiment with mites (nor ticks!) to verify if they clean their tootsies and ingest the chemical that way when it is in powdered form!
Sounds reasonable to me!
Thanks! Her demeanor has improved by leaps and bounds! Only a few days ago she wouldn't eat and peeped in distress almost all the time, holding up her left leg and biting and pulling on it so hard that she would fall over.

I read your thread about Bernie and have been dosing with B vitamins just in case.
There’s something else people add…selenium? She is stiff-legged, her ankle(s) hardly bends, but she’s got gumption and drive, that’s good and is a lot of progress! Are they’re on medicated chick starter? I can’t remember if @RoyalChick took Bernie off it, or just supplemented with tons more B until she could be safely off the medicated feed?
Yes I can see ❤️

It’s almost like her hocks don’t bend…? Does she roost? You know how they bend their legs when they crouch down?
Thats what I see too. I wonder if a bit of physical therapy might help, gently moving her legs the way they are supposed to.
Of course she is. Until you try picking her up the way I pick up all the other chickens. She will smack you good and hard with her wings in a attempt to get free. And she smacks HARD.
It is the way of the chicken....sigh
It is indeed the way. This lady is brutal with her wings. They are real weapons.
Crappy picture as my camera does not do well anymore in poor lighting. Look at the ponies, Russ may think of them as fire breathing dragons, but I want one. He would get used to it.....eventually.
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Ponies. Oh, boy. You better be ready for some major teenager attitude with ponies. Lol. Although, if you find one you can ride (larger breeds), they are quite fun and trust deeply.
Y'all. I just looked out my window and my black broody EE has finally left the nest and is out running around! Thought I was going to have to break her, but the old run is currently fenced off for some growing babies and mama. Thank the good Lord! Maybe I can actually get some eggs, now (she was chasing the other hens out of the nesting area and Idk if I need to go on an Easter egg hunt in my backyard or not, yet).


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