Caturday: I will refrain from posting the pic as I haven't had coffee yet and can't remember how to put it behind a spoiler. Castor caught a young rabbit this week. Haven't seen rabbits around since shortly after we moved in (well before we got him). Did see one a couple of months ago, starting to shed its winter white. Haven't seen that one, so figuring that is mama and she's with the rest.
Same here, my cat had a little bunny he had killed last night :( soooo many rats 🐀 and what does he kill? One of the most benign denizens of our wild critters around here, of course. 🤦‍♀️
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My friend’s dog was also a mouser!
“MEOW!” PA053787.jpeg
I would ust like to apologize for the other day and pony and I have already apologized to each other . I am on Latuda but it is making me moody and mean. But its the only thing that has even remotely helped my bi polar 2.
As Im typing this the 2 young silkies are crowing. I have 2 boys and 2 girls so I will have to rehome 1 unfotunately.
Anyone want a little male silkie
Thanks Val.

So - we are gonna need some updated pics of those Silkies you know :)

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