Molting OMG 😱 my beautiful Brownie so far has been hit hard. I feel so bad for her truly it looks like such a miserable process. Lots of new pins coming in, hopefully she will be back to herself quickly.

Molting OMG 😱 my beautiful Brownie so far has been hit hard. I feel so bad for her truly it looks like such a miserable process. Lots of new pins coming in, hopefully she will be back to herself quickly.
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View attachment 3638934
Wow - yes my ladies look like that also - and temps are getting cool, why didn't they do this when it was +30C! Poor girl - looks quite painful to me. My Blanche is looking sad and so is Dorothy, they are out in the sunshine laying down snoozing right now.
Last time being on here unless it’s another emergency. And this time my mom knows that I’m on my phone.

Madame Pearl came back last night after hiding for six hours. I put her in the coop and gave everyone food.
Today I went out there and she was laying down in a corner. She is always very energetic when I try to grab her, doing whatever she can to get away from me.
I grabbed her with ease and brought her into the house. I have her some Corid, but I don’t think that she is going to make it.
I convinced my mom to let me put her back out into her coop so that her flock is with her when her time comes. Yesterday there were no tears when she disappeared, and so I have vowed to try to not cry today.
I just feel bad because she was among my first birds, and she was Eclipse’s mother. Luckily her son is well so I will still have some of her with me when she passes. I will have some of Eclipse with me too in her brother.
I am hoping that she will pull through, but I doubt it. I wish that the hawk did take her, because then I wouldn’t need to be fretting over her suffering.
This isn’t a tribute, but I’m sure that there will be one soon. The problem is, she is very stubborn. She has a broken toe and she hardly even limps. Her toe is bent up and when I just felt it a few minutes ago, I couldn’t feel a bone where it bent up.

I’m sure that I’ll be one here soon telling you that she is dead. I’ll only be on here with my mom’s permission unless I’m in dire need of advice.
I’m not going to bother making an emergency thread. I know that she will pass.
Have a good day everyone. If it’s her time to go, I respect that. I want her to go if it’s her time. I’m sad, but not sad. She won’t have the threat of being killed each and every day and she will be in peace when she passes.
Hopped in the car to go home and my mom told me that Madame passed. Her body is in the freezer, although it’s not very frozen because the freezer doesn’t work the best. We might call the University of Georgia and see if they can do a necropsy on her. I called my dogs vet office to see if they could and they said yes, but that it would be best to call UGA. I’m not sure if we will though.
I’m not sure if the other guineas have processed that she’s gone. She was with them in their coop when she passed, but I’m not sure if they truly know what happened.
Wow - yes my ladies look like that also - and temps are getting cool, why didn't they do this when it was +30C! Poor girl - looks quite painful to me. My Blanche is looking sad and so is Dorothy, they are out in the sunshine laying down snoozing right now.
I’ve seen pictures, I was aware of what would happen but its really shocking and it happens so quickly! One day they have normal feathers the next the coop looks rather like a chicken kinda blew up in it 😂 and you have half naked chicken.
Hopped in the car to go home and my mom told me that Madame passed. Her body is in the freezer, although it’s not very frozen because the freezer doesn’t work the best. We might call the University of Georgia and see if they can do a necropsy on her. I called my dogs vet office to see if they could and they said yes, but that it would be best to call UGA. I’m not sure if we will though.
I’m not sure if the other guineas have processed that she’s gone. She was with them in their coop when she passed, but I’m not sure if they truly know what happened.
So sorry to hear about Madame Pearl - I am sure the others know. They will deal with it their own way.

Re: necropsy - for next time don't freeze the body, refrigerate it. Freezing it will destroy tissue and organisms that they test for.
Hopped in the car to go home and my mom told me that Madame passed. Her body is in the freezer, although it’s not very frozen because the freezer doesn’t work the best. We might call the University of Georgia and see if they can do a necropsy on her. I called my dogs vet office to see if they could and they said yes, but that it would be best to call UGA. I’m not sure if we will though.
I’m not sure if the other guineas have processed that she’s gone. She was with them in their coop when she passed, but I’m not sure if they truly know what happened.
I am sorry 😞
I’ve seen pictures, I was aware of what would happen but its really shocking and it happens so quickly! One day they have normal feathers the next the coop looks rather like a chicken kinda blew up in it 😂 and you have half naked chicken.
Yep - first time it happened here I had no idea what was going on! I wasn't on BYC at that time, but then I joined BYC as I had Henny on eggs and Sophia bald....

I learnt very fast about chicken things!
I am both happy and sad at this post. I am sorry that you feel you will lose Madam Pearl.

I am not surprised that she remained hidden for so long, given her fright and her lethargy/illness. How old is she? It is unfortunate that you are not sure what is wrong with her, as it could probably be treated if you only knew how/with what.

Regarding the broken toe - if she will let you, you can set it with a splint (popsicle sticks, trimmed to the right length, work well for this - just be sure to pad them well so they don't dig in and/or cause sores.) That said, if you can't feel the bone at all in her toe, it would be hard to set it reasonably well.

I know that this is difficult with the best of people, but if you feel she really is dying, could you end her suffering? Euthanizing her just might be more humane than letting her suffer.

That said, I am really glad that you have decided to not sneak on here - that is both a smart and a mature decision!:thumbsup AND, since your mom is letting you - if you occasionally ask, it appears she will be more than reasonable and let you - as long as progress is being made with the grades.

BTW: I just have to say this: shame on you for not doing well with math. While everyone has their different strengths and weaknesses, someone of your intelligence, if you put your mind to it and are willing to struggle through it until you have that 'ah-ha' moment, you should be able to get at least low Bs (though I suspect even better)

Off chicken talk tax:View attachment 3637810She is still hanging on to her littles - even though they are getting pretty big. This is my HUGE BO girl (9 lbs or more), as you can see, her kiddos are getting pretty big - I'm surprised she is still brooding them!
She was two and a half. Her Hatch-Day was June 29ish of 2021

She’s had her broken toe for a while. Even when she was alive and better I don’t think that it was bothering her.

I’ve killed chickens. I’ve had no problem killing meat birds. Just chickens have thicker necks. It’s weird to say this, but I don’t think that I could ever chop off a guineas head. They’re skinny little necks.. it would just be so weird. Luckily and unluckily, she put an end to herself.

And I do try on math! I can just never figure it out! What’s the point of letters in math!? How will I use that in veterinary medicine?! And I’ve never had such low grades before. I’ve only ever had a C or F for a day. But I’ve had these for a few weeks.

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