Yes. That was the only way I could catch her - when she roosted at dark.

Unfortunately, I had to process her this weekend. With her growing and my arm not, it was getting harder to feed her and taking longer to stuff the crop...and she was - condition wise= a full grade below her siblings. And that is with me keeping her in these past few weekends to give her a full mid-day feeding, too, before letting her out with her siblings.

😢I cried myself to sleep Sunday night.😢 I knew this day would come, but I kept trying to ignore that thought mentally - until I just couldn't anymore.
You did a wonderful thing giving her the life you did. I know that doesn't help the sadness but great job. :hugs :hugs :hugs
Then why are people so proud to show off their poor molting birds? What a crazy embarrassment! :confused:
That is 'the peoples' wish', not 'the chicken's wish'. You can't tell me you have NEVER shown a photo of someone and they really didn't want it shown??? I certainly know that is true with most of my family! (I hate photos of me, and generally dislike them being shown/shared - certain situations my very happy wedding day!)

Picture Prattle Payment:

Does this count as 2 chickens????
Can you get the med in pill form? A small pill hidden in a grape or tomato would be a good solution 💕
It sure would except she pecks her food apart and then Aurora would steal it. It would be easier to pop a pill in her mouth but this way I do know that she is the one getting the dose.
Hello everyone.

I am just popping in for a second. I am way behind, not been able to get on since late Friday. If I have time will try to do a longer post to update everyone. The hospital released grandma Saturday. Due to her being diagnosed with covid she needed to be hospitalized 11 days to get into a nursing home. We did not get that, instead they sent her home weaker then when she went in. She is now bedridden. They did not even provide a ambulance to get her in the house, it was up to us. Well, that led to another 911 call when she collapsed the second they got her out of the car. They sent a fire truck, 2 normal trucks with the volunteer fired department and a ambulance. 4 men had to carry her up the steps and place her in the hospital bed. The only good thing to come out of the whole situation is mom was finally able to get the process started to get outside help without her permission. The only question now is how long is that going to take.
I'm so sorry this did not turn out as you hoped. At least some help will be available. :hugs :hugs :hugs
There’s a new AI system that is designed for making my preflight/post flight checklists. Verbal Communication asks me the questions and I answer them with “check (affirmative) or stand by (I’m still verifying the validity of my answer) it’s like having a copilot next to me, but faster and more accurate! So cool 😎 I can hardly believe why I didn’t invent the thing myself! 🛩️
This requires a tax payment.

It is really cool though. I get your excitement.

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